Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Ustailia

Exercise 1.

Fill the gaps with one of the phrases below.

black and white, cinema DVD-copy, events, way, animated cartoon, leisure

Films play an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the modern (1) _________ of life.

The possibilities of the film are unlimited. In the earliest years, its power to show modern (2) _________ was appreciated. That’s why the film has become a new form of entertainment and is considered to be one of the best ways of spending one's (3) _________ time.

There are a lot of different kinds of films: action films, horror films, thrillers, science-fiction (sci-fi) films, adventurous, mystery films, documentaries, animated cartoon films. Besides, the films may be color or (4) ________ , full-length or short, sound or silent, three-dimensional (3D) or wide-screen.

We can see films either in the (5) ________ or on the TV. As I am often short of time, I have almost no time for going to the cinema. For this reason, I see films on television more frequently. I prefer action films and amusing comedies. The life is so difficult nowadays and I want to relax a little, sometimes even to laugh.

Sometimes I become excited watching (6) ________ films. Especially I like Walt Disney’s cartoons “Duck Tales”, or “Winnie-the-Pooh's Adventures”. In my opinion, the animated cartoon films are popular both with children and adults, while educational films are arranged mainly for schoolchildren and students.

In Great Britain and the USA, the films (“movies” as they often call them) sell more than one billion tickets a year. Movies are also shown on television and can be rented or purchased as a (7) ________ .

All in all, attending movies is quite an inexpensive leisure time activity that is very popular.

Exercise 2.

Choose the present perfect or past simple:

I _________________ (see) three police cars this morning (it’s still morning).
After he _________________ (arrive) home, he _________________ (unpack) and _________________ (go) to bed early.
A: What’s wrong?
B: I _________________ (break) a glass!
My grandparents only _________________ (know) each other for a few months before they _________________ (get) married.
I _________________ (be) in London for three years. I love it here.
We _________________ (see) Julie last night.
He _________________ (be) a teacher before he _________________ (become) a musician.
When the boss _________________ (walk) into the room, we _________________ (know) someone was going to get fired.
The children _________________ (break) a window in the school last week.
He _________________ (see) that film last year.

Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps with for or since.

Meredith has lived here _________ 1997.
Meredith has lived here _________ eighteen years.
John has had the ball_________ last July.
He has had the ball _________ eight months.
Molly has liked fairy-tales _________ she was a tiny baby.


Автор ответа: nunny
(1) way of life (2) events (3) leisure (4) black and white (5) cinema
animated cartoon  (7) DVD-copy.
I (have seen) three police cars this morning.
After he (arrived) home, he (unpacked) and (went) to bed early.
I (have broken) a glass!
My grandparents had only (known) each other for a few months before they  (got) married.
I (have been) in London for three years.
We (saw) Julie last night.
He (had been) a teacher before he (became) a musician.
When the boss (walked) into the room, we (knew) someone was going to get fired.
The children (broke) a window in the school last week.
He (saw) that film last year.
Meredith has lived here
since 1997.
Meredith has lived here
for eighteen years.
John has had the ball
since last July.
He has had the ball
for eight months.
Molly has liked fairy-tales
since she was a tiny baby.
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ПОМОГИТЕ НАЙТИ ОШИБКИ!!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТАМы с вами совершаем путешествие с севера на юг нашей страны, с побережья Балтийского моря. Строго по параллели движемся на юг. Цель путешествия – перечесть все природные комплексы страны.
Тундра – это настоящий птичий базар: здесь и дикие гуси, утки, воробьи, различные виды чаек. Чтобы хитрые песцы не сели яйца, птенцов, гнезда птицы строят высоко над землей: на скалах или вершинах деревьев. Здесь выпадает много осадков, поэтому тундра очень заболочена. Тундра южнее постепенно сменяется лесотундрой и широколиственными лесами.
Мы и не заметили, как после широколиственного леса перешли в хвойный лес: сосны, ели, пихта. Подзолистые почвы тайги очень богаты перегноем, поэтому люди, живущие здесь, получают большие урожаи сельскохозяйственных культур. Хорошо таежным жителям: здесь и ягода – смородина, облепиха, жимолость. В этом же лесу встречаются и пушные звери.
После полупустынь мы оказываемся в степях. Степи сегодня-это не те, что были вчера. Повсюду видны антропогенные комплексы: пашни и сады, пруды и озера, болота и лесополосы. Чтобы не потерять плодородие земель, здесь проводятся работы по рекультивации земель: удобряют почву, применяют научные севооборот, делают снегозадержание.
Коррозия почвы - опасное явление, поэтому в степях проводятся работы по закреплению

оврагов. Жителям данной природной зоны можно только посочувствовать, так как низкая солнечная радиация и сильная увлажненность позволяют здесь расти только травянистой растительности, а бедная растительным покровом почва – не плодородна. Наше путешествие закончилось, когда мы достигли побережья Каспийского моря и дельты реки Днепр, впадающий в нее.