Предмет: Литература, автор: romka9025

Сочинение на тему <<Моё отношение к Толстому и Тонкому>> ! СРООООРОООЧЧЧЧЧЧННННОООООООООООООООООООООО!!!


Автор ответа: Ксюша11111111111131
В рассказе А. П. Чехова «Толстый и тонкий» речь идет о встрече двух бывших одноклассников Порфирии и Михаиле. Они очень искренне радовались встрече, выкладывали новости о себе, вспоминали старое. Когда в ходе беседы выяснилось, что толстый Михаил достиг гораздо большего в жизни, чем Порфирий, и имеет две звезды, являясь тайным советником, тонкий Порфирий сник, побледнел, в его голосе появились нотки подобострастия и чинопочитания. Все это очень не понравилось Михаилу, такое поведение было ему противно и непонятно. Михаил поспешил распрощаться с бывшим другом. Я считаю, что с друзьями нужно вести себя совершенно свободно, по-дружески, и искренне радоваться их успеху.

romka9025: Спасибо огромное!
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Read the text and mark the statements as True or False.

In the summer, teenagers spend a lot of time outdoors. It's healthy and pleasant. However, in some cases it can turn out to be dangerous. If you go to the forest with your friends, there are some safety rules you need to keep in mind. Inform your parents where you are going and when you are planning to come back. They need to know it in order to be sure everything is right and start searching for you in case you are not back for a long time.

Make sure your phone is fully charged. In case you get lost, you need it to make a call, text your friends or relatives or use GPS.

If you get lost in the forest, stop. The further you go, the more difficult it is for the rescue team to find you.

Always have water, food, warm clothes and a raincoat with you if you aim to spend several hours outdoors. Don't wear camouflage clothes! You need to look bright, so that it's easy to notice you if you get lost.

It's also good to have matches, a whistle and a torch. Thus you'll be able to make fire and keep warm, make sounds and light signals while you're waiting for help.

If you get lost, call 112 immediately. And don't go away from the place where you are. If you hear that somebody is calling you, answer back.

If you need to wait a long time for the rescuers, there are several essential things you need to take care of. The main things are not to get cold, not to stop drinking water, and make yourself noticeable. If you don't have a whistle or can't shout, take a stick and beat a tree to make noise.

All the tips are useful and helpful, and can save your life. Still, the best safety rule is not to go too far into the forest and not to get lost.
1. Your parents should know where you are going and how long you will be absent. TrueFalse *
2. The main rule in the forest is not to move further or search for a way out on your own if you are lost. *
3. The phone charge is not important as you can always call for help by shouting. *
4. There are essential things that you always need to take with you. *
5. Your clothes should be the same colour as the environment. *
6. There is no way to make sound signals if you can't shout and forgot to take a whistle. *
7. If you wait a long time for the rescue service, it's essential to avoid cold and dehydration. *