помогите пожалуйста, у меня одна просьба только, отметьте мне их как нибудь, чтоб я могла понимать что где. СПАСИБО))
What three letters mean twenty six letters? - ABC
What often falls and never gets hurt? - snow
What speaks every language in the world? - echo
What is it, that starts with an E, ends with an E and usually contains only one letter? - envelope
What can fly without wings? - time
What goes up and down at the same time? - stairs
What word is always pronounced wrong? - answer
What travels as fast as a galloping horse and yet goes on foot? - horseshoe
What do you call an old snowman? - water
What do you drop when you need it and take back when you don't? - anchor
What is the happiest state in the USA? - Maryland
What table has no legs? - time-table
What is that you can’t see, but which is always before you? - future
What is the thing, that keeps getting wetter the more it dries? - towel
What is that you can’t see, but which is always before you? - future (повтор)
What man cannot live inside the house? - snowman