Предмет: Биология, автор: Аноним

площадь озера Лох-Несс -56.4 км ^ 2. Производительность - 500 (га) на 1 м ^ 2 фитопланктона "загадочная Несси" вероятно хищный платиозавер (так консумент не менее 2 порядка). Длиной 18 м и массой около 20т. Может существовать это существо в этом озере


Автор ответа: WarfaceНикита
56 400 000 м² (квадратный метр)
56 400 000 × 0.5 кг = 28200000кг = 28200 тон фитопланктона
28200×0.1=2820 т рыбы
2820×0.1 = 282т консумент 2го порядка
282×0.1= 28.2т консумент 3го порядка
Итог: может, даже если она крупнее 20т или даже консумент 3го порядка
Автор ответа: Аноним
я поняла что она не будет существовать в озере.
Автор ответа: Аноним
Только при одном условии если она будет весит 20 и а потому будет консументов третьего порядка?
Автор ответа: WarfaceНикита
будет существоватт
Автор ответа: WarfaceНикита
Автор ответа: WarfaceНикита
там корма для неё более чем достаточно
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: NoahBrady
On 26 December 2004, Tilly Smith, а 10-year-old British schoolgirl, 1) _____ on the beach with her family. They 2) _____ Christmas in Thailand. Suddenly Tilly 3)______ that something was wrong. She could see that the water 4)____and waves 5) ____up the beach. The beach 6) ____ smaller and smaller. She 7) ____ that there had been an earthquake in Sumatra that morning, but she 8) ____ a geography lesson she 9)_____ at school just two weeks before. So she 10) ____ her mother what she 11) _____ about earthquakes and giant waves. Luckily for the Smith family, Tilly’s teacher Andrew Kearney 12)____ the class about earthquakes and 13) ___ them a video of a tsunami in Hawaii. Tilly 14) ___ screaming at her parents to get off the beach. They 15) ___ Tilly back to their hotel, which was not too close to the shore, and 16) ____ the alarm. One of the staff, who was Japanese, 17) _____ the word tsunami, and 18) _____ everyone to leave the beach. From their room on the third floor, the Smiths 19)_____ the terrible effects of the tsunami on the area. Thanks to Tilly, everybody from that beach 20) ____ .   1. A walked В had walked С was walking 2. A spent В had spent С were spending 3. A felt В had felt С was feeling 4. A rose В had risen С was rising 5. A came В had come С were coming 6. A got В had got С was getting 7. A did not know В had not known С was not knowing 8. A suddenly remembered В had suddenly remembered С was suddenly remembering 9. A had В had had С was having 10. A told В had told С was telling 11. A learnt В had learnt С was learning 12. A taught В had taught С was teaching 13. A showed В had shown С was showing 14. A started В had started С was starting 15. A took В had taken С were taking 16. A raised В had raised С were raising 17. A understood В had understood С was understanding 18. A ordered В had ordered С was ordering 19. A watched В had watched С were watching 20. A survived В had survived С was surviving ​
Предмет: Биология, автор: Почемучка2005