Предмет: Математика, автор: Maryiam555

Как перевести десят чную дртбь в смешанное число


Автор ответа: IlyaLaz
1-смешанную дробь перевести в обыкновенную :2 2/4 = 2 х 4 +2 = 10/4; 10 : 4 = 2, 5. 
2-числитель разделить на знаменатель, как производят деление в 3-5 классе-СТОЛБИКОМ, и отделить запятой целое число от десятичной.
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Museums in Moscow

State History Museum
The State History Museum is the largest historical museum in Russia. The museum
contains about 5 million museum objects and 14 million pages of documentary
materials. Presented in the museum items reflect the history of Russia from ancient
times to present days.
The State Tretyakov Gallery
The State Tretyakov Gallery is the most famous art museum in Moscow. The museum
has one of the best collections of Russian art in the world. The museum was founded in
1856 by merchant Pavel Tretyakov. Russian Museum Association “State Tretyakov
Gallery” was founded in 1986.
Pushkin museum of fine arts in Moscow
Pushkin museum of fine arts in Moscow is one of the best art museums in Russia. The
museum has collected a large number of works of European and world art. The
museum building is an architectural monument. Pushkin Museum collection includes
over 560,000 paintings, drawings, sculptures, works of applied art, archaeological
monuments and numismatic items and fine art photos. The museum was opened in
Museum of contemporary art in Moscow
The Moscow Museum of Modern Art is a museum of modern and contemporary art
located in Moscow, Russia. It was the first opened in Russia state museum that
specializes in the art of XX and XXI centuries. The museum was opened 15 December
1999. Founder and director of the museum is the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.
Initially, the main part of the museum collection was his personal collection of XX
century famous artists works. The museum's collection was constantly replenished in
subsequent years.
Polytechnic museum
The Polytechnic Museum in Moscow is one of the oldest science museums in the world.
The museum was founded in 1872, after the first All-Russian technical exhibition.
Polytechnic Exhibition exhibits have become the main part of the museum collection. It
currently is the largest technical museum in Russia. The museum contains more than
190,000 objects, which can give an idea of science and technology development. The
museum exhibits can help to understand the principles of some technical devices
The Central Museum of Armed Forces

The Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow has large collection of military
equipment, weapons, documents and other exhibits associated with the army. It is one
of the largest military-historical museums in the Russia. It will be interesting to visit the
museum for those interested in weapons, military equipment and history of the
and Soviet army. The museum's exhibits occupy 24 halls. Samples of heavy
weapons and military equipment are placed on the open ground.
Предмет: Математика, автор: Настя1122233
Предмет: Математика, автор: мошэ