Предмет: Английский язык, автор: МарияКоноплева1

Помогите, пожалуйста.

Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.
1. The UK lies between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea to the northwest from the coast of France.
2. The UK has a temperate climate.
3. The Cambrian Mountains occupy the greater part of Wales.
4. Scotland became a part of the UK in 1707.
5. England and Wales were formally united in 1536.
6. In the уear of 2050 people will visit the British Isles as they do now.


Автор ответа: ozon1975
1. The UK doesn't lie between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea to the northwest from the coast of France.
Does the UK  lie between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea to the northwest from the coast of France?
2. The UK doesn't have a temperate climate.
Does the UK have a temperate climate?
3. The Cambrian Mountains don't occupy the greater part of Wales.
Do the Cambrian Mountains occupy the greater part of Wales?
4. Scotland didn't become a part of the UK in 1707.
Did Scotland become a part of the UK in 1707?
5. England and Wales weren't formally united in 1536.
Were England and Wales formally united in 1536?
In the уear of 2050 people won't visit the British Isles as they do now.
Will  people visit the British Isles in the уear of 2050?
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