Вы получили от друга по переписке Кевина письмо ,в котором он просит рассказать о вашей школьной жизни.дополните рассказ,используя образец.помогите пожалуйста

January 15, 2020
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter! It was great to learn your news.
In your letter you told about your school life and asked me a few questions.
Well, I want to tell you about my school. I went to school at the age of seven. Now I am a pupil of the 7th (если нужно, замените класс) form. I have classes five days a week. On Saturday and Sunday we don't go to school. Classes usually start at 8 in the morning (если вторая смена, можно написать at 2 in the afternoon). My favourite subjects are Russian and History.
Our classroom is clean and tidy. There are fifteen desks, four bookcases, a blackboard and a teacher table there. After school I like to play hopscotch (мальчикам лучше написать football) with my friends. We like to spend time outdoors.
I must finish now - my mum asks to help her.
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