Предмет: Английский язык, автор: borzivann

Fill in the gap (-----) using the verb in the right form
. 1. If anyone ---- (suffer) from color-blindness, he is not allowed to get driving license due to haphazard situations he may cause in roads.
 2. If I ---- (make) my own decisions to choose which university to go to, I ---- (not waste) two years going to a faculty I had never been interested in.
 3. Considering technological advances so far, we can say that if man ---- (have) the determination to succeed, there is nothing he cannot achieve.
 4. Only if you ---- (follow) a healthy diet with a recommended calorie amount, will you start losing weight.
 5. You can get a visa to England much more easily if you ---- (claim) an invitation letter in the passport office of the British Embassy.
 6. If you _keep_ (keep) quiet and try to listen for a moment, you ---- (can understand) what I intend to say.
 7. Things ---- (be) totally different now from what we expected for our foundation if it weren't for the regular donation given by the charity.
 8. If it ---- (not be) for your kindness to give me a hand, I ---- (not be able to) give in the project in time.
 9. But for the negative effects of television on children, many people ---- (consider) it to be a means for educational purposes.
 10. Nowadays, finding a job is so difficult that you ---- (can not guarantee) to be called for an interview even if you have had a master's degree.


Автор ответа: Antikrysa
1) is suffering
2) made/ won't waste
3) had
4) are following
5) are claiming
6) kept/ could understand
7) were
8) wasn't / would not be able to
9) are considering
10) could not guarantee
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