Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Аноним
проверте сочинение на ошибки мои зимние каникулы I spent this winter vacation excellently. At the beginning of the holidays I was preparing for the new year, decorating the house and the Christmas tree. New Year I met with my family. The brightest day for me was, of course, December 31st. Another morning in the house was the atmosphere of the holiday. The smell of tangerines and the newly raised Christmas tree mixed up, and the most authentic scent of the New Year came out! . After the battle of the chimes, we made a whole family desire, fearing to pronounce it in a rumor, because, as they say, then it will not come true. Almost every day, my friends met. A few days after the New Year, a sister came to visit us with her husband and daughter. Soon the guests left, which meant that the holidays were coming to an end. Therefore, I began to repeat the material passed, teach poetry and read the works in advance so that later it was easier.
Despite the fact that the holidays I spent at home, it was very fun, weather kept winter. I made it and spend time with my relatives, with my girlfriends, to visit interesting places and to train my studies. (Эти зимние каникулы я провела прекрасно. В начале каникул я готовилась к новому году украшала дом и елку. Новый год я встречала со своей семьей. Самые яркие днем для меня был, конечно, 31 декабря. Еще с утра в доме царила атмосфера праздника. Запах мандаринов и недавно принесенной елки смешивались, и выходил самый настоящий аромат Нового Года! .Во бой курантов мы всей семьей загадывали желание, опасаясь произносить его в слух, ведь, как говорят, тогда оно не сбудется .Майже каждый день мы с друзьями встречались. Через несколько дней после Нового года к нам в гости приехали сестра мамы с мужем и дочерью Вскоре гости уехали, а это означало, что и каникулы близятся к завершению. Поэтому я начала повторять пройденный материал, учить стихи и читать произведения заранее, чтобы потом было легче.
Несмотря на то, что каникулы я провела дома, было очень весело, погода держалась зимняя. Я успела и провести время с родственниками, с подругами, посетить интересные места в городе и подтянуть учебу.)
Автор ответа:
I spent these winter holidays excellent. 2, 3 предложения правильно. The brightest day for me was, of course, the 31st of December. Since the morning there was the holiday atmosphere. The smell of tangerines mixed with the smell of spruce and it was the real smell of New Year. At midnight all members of my family were making a wish without telling it - according to the legend we should not say it, because it would not come true. Almost every day I spent with my friends. After a few days of New year, my sister came to us with her husband and daughter. Then the guests left and that meant the end of the holidays. Therefore I started to revise the passed material, learn poems and read new texts. В предпоследнем предложении нужно заменить "weather kept winter" на "the weather was wintery". I spent my free time with relatives, friends, visited interesting places and made my study better.
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Автор ответа:
пишу те предложения где есть ошибки:
Of course, the brightest day for me it was the 31st of December. The next day there was an atmosphere of a holiday iin the house. .....
.....the most authentic scent...... of the New Year came in...Under the strike of the clock each member of our family made a wish not pronounsing it aloud because. ...
Almost every day I met with my friends.
....with her husband and a daughter.
Soon the guests left us and that meant that the holiday came to its end.
....I began to repeat the past material. ..so that it would be easier.
In spite of that I had spent my holidays at home it was a great fun, it was really kept a winter weather .
Of course, the brightest day for me it was the 31st of December. The next day there was an atmosphere of a holiday iin the house. .....
.....the most authentic scent...... of the New Year came in...Under the strike of the clock each member of our family made a wish not pronounsing it aloud because. ...
Almost every day I met with my friends.
....with her husband and a daughter.
Soon the guests left us and that meant that the holiday came to its end.
....I began to repeat the past material. ..so that it would be easier.
In spite of that I had spent my holidays at home it was a great fun, it was really kept a winter weather .
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