you received a letter from your friend in which he/she wrote that he/she had problems in getting along and sharing housework with his/her flatmate. write him/hear a reply in which you:
-tell her/him about your relationship wish people you share a flat/room wish
-explain what may cause conflicts
-give an advice how to resolve conflicts
-give an advice how to avoid conflicts
Очень срочно. Сочинение. Даю 60 баллов!
Вам нужно написать ответ другу , у которого возникли проблемы с соседом по квартире из-за работы по дому.
В ответе надо:
- рассказать ей или ему о ваших отношениях с тем, с кем вы делите свою комнату /квартиру;
- объяснить, из-за чего могут возникать конфликты ;
- дать совет, как их решать (*кстати, в задании ошибка: give advice, но не give an advice, т.к. advice - неисчисляемое существительное)
- и посоветовать, как избегать конфликтов
Dear Jack,
Thank you for your letter. I'm glad to know that you are OK.
I am sorry to hear that you have had problems in getting along and sharing housework with your flatmate. You see, I have to share my room with my younger brother, so I know what you feel.
I think the reason for conflicts with a flatmate/roommate is all those differences in habits and personal priorities. Well, my case is a bit easier than yours because I know my brother well enough and it helps me to avoid a lot of conflicts. So my first piece of advice is to try to learn more about your flatmate's living preferences and make a sort of agreement about how you plan to share your chores and responsibilities. Your agreement should include things like how often you will clean the flat, how often you will have friends over, who is the first to use the bathroom in the morning, etc. Write down these rules and make sure you and your flatmate always follow them.
If you two happen to have a conflict, the best way to resolve it is to calm down and have a conversation. I think you understand that you shouldn't leave the conversation on a bad note.
Well, that's what I can suggest. I hope my advice will help you.
Take care.
Best wishes,
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