Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Даян10

Сочинение на тему Моё отношение к книге 5-7 пред. употребить ( не(


Автор ответа: SweetLove10
а какая книга?
Я хочу выразить свою точку зрения об прочитаной книги.мне книга не очень понравилась. мне нравятся книги с приключениями , а в этой книге говорится об отношениях между Машей и Дубровским. и вообще это роман. в общем книга не очень занимательная . 
как то так
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составьте 5 общих вопросов и 5 специальных по тексту. Julian: What to do after the GCSE.... Having been a fan of detective and courtroom dramas on TV, I was keen to learn more and had an ambition to become a lawyer. After my GCSES, I didn't know which way to turn but I suppose I really wanted to find out if I was suited to this profession. To begin with, I left school after my GCSES to look for work in a law fim. I put my CV together, made lots of copies and posted them to as many law firms as I could find. I knew that all I could do was basic office duties, such as what an office junior or a runner would do, but at least I would be getting experience and finding out if I liked this working environment. I managed to get an interview and was accepted as an office junior at a law firm only a 15-minute bus ride from my home. I loved it. I was seeing for real how cases were being solved, how evidence was gathered... the whole process. I learnt it was very hard work but the rewards were worth it. I could see that this job offered me all the traditional job requirements: job satisfaction, career possibilities, good working conditions and stability. This assured me that I wanted to go into this profession. I went back to school to do my 'A' Levels. I was still able to keep a'relationship with the law firm that I had been working for. They were encouraging me to study and they also offered me work during my school holiday. I completed my 'A' Levels, went on to university and got my degree in law. Now I am a successful lawyer in the same firm I worked for at 16 years old. I was lucky to know at an carly age what I wanted as a career. It is only through experience that you find out what you really enjoy and are able to do well.​