проект на тему "семейный бюджет"
Family budget planning is the most important part of the modern life of all families.
The family budget consists of two parts: income and expenditure. Income is formed by contributions of all family members to the General budget, i.e. it can be wages, pensions, scholarships, etc.Expenses-this is the amount of money spent by all family members.
Budget planning should begin with the calculation of all types of income, then deducted the most important expenses that the family spends necessarily during the month, ie payment of housing, food, hygiene items, etc., then, the costs that are not so important, but they should not be excluded such as clothing (seasonal), hairdressing, fees in schools. The next category is the items that can be excluded, that is, every little thing that is not so important. In general, you go to your parents, you consider the income and subtract everything you need. The rest you can put in the piggy Bank.