Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Амир1411

фанетический разбор слов. Зверь,библиотека, деревья

Arsentiy777: Доброе утро
Амир1411: здравствуйте!


Автор ответа: dariasvetlak


зверь — слово из 1 слога: зверь. Ударение ставится однозначно на единственную гласную в слове.
Транскрипция слова: [зв’эр’]

з — [з] — согласный, парный звонкий, парный твёрдый
в — [в’] — согласный, парный звонкий, парный мягкий
е — [э] — гласный, ударный
р — [р’] — согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный мягкий
ь — не обозначает звука

В слове 5 букв и 4 звука.


деревья — слово из 3 слогов: де-ревь-я. Ударение падает на 2-й слог.
Транскрипция слова: [д’ир’эв’й’а]

д — [д’] — согласный, парный звонкий, парный мягкий
е — [и] — гласный, безударный
р — [р’] — согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный мягкий
е — [э] — гласный, ударный
в — [в’] — согласный, парный звонкий, парный мягкий
ь — не обозначает звука
я — [й’] — согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, непарный мягкий
[а] — гласный, безударный

В слове 7 букв и 7 звуков.


библиотека — слово из 5 слогов: би-бли-о-те-ка. Ударение падает на 4-й слог.
Транскрипция слова: [б’ибл’иат’эка]

б — [б’] — согласный, парный звонкий, парный мягкий
и — [и] — гласный, безударный
б — [б] — согласный, парный звонкий, парный твёрдый
л — [л’] — согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный мягкий
и — [и] — гласный, безударный
о — [а] — гласный, безударный
т — [т’] — согласный, парный глухой, парный мягкий
е — [э] — гласный, ударный
к — [к] — согласный, парный глухой, парный твёрдый
а — [а] — гласный, безударный

В слове 10 букв и 10 звуков.

dariasvetlak: И да.
dariasvetlak: Пишется фОнетический.
Амир1411: спасибо это в торопясь, а-то уже в школу пора
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Read the text below. Match sentences A-H with gaps 1-7. There is one extra sentence.

Extract from Gulliver’s Travels

We sailed across the Atlantic, round the coast of Africa and into the Indian Ocean. But before we could reach the Pacific, a violent storm hit us and drove us to the north-west of Tasmania. 1) _______ Some of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water, and we rowed away to look for land. But when we were too tired to row any more, a great wave hit our small boat, and we all feel into the sea. 2) _______

The wind and waves pushed me along as I struggled to keep head above water. 3) _______ Luckily, just then feet touched the ground. I walked out of the sea and on to a beach, where there was no sign of any people or houses. I was so exhausted that I lay down and went to sleep.

When I woke up next morning, and tried to get up, I could not move. I was lying on back and whole body, arms and legs were strongly fastened to the ground. 4) _______ The sun began to grow hot, and I was very uncomfortable. Soon I felt something alive moving along leg and up body to face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimetres tall. He had a bow and arrow in his hands, and there were forty more of these little men following him. 5) _______ They all jumped back, very frightened, and some hurt themselves by falling off body. Meanwhile, I was struggling to unfasten self, but just as I managed to pull left arm free of the ropes, I felt a hundred arrows land on free hand, and more arrows on face and body. This was very painful, and made me cry aloud. I lay quietly, to see what would happen next.

6) _______ An official climbed up there so speak to me. Although I could not understand his language, I understood that they would be friendly towards me – if I did not try to harm them. By now I was extremely hungry, so I used sign language to beg the official for food. He seemed to understand me, because immediately ladders were put against sides and little men climbed up with baskets of food and drink. 7) _______ In just one mouthful I ate three of their meat dishes and three of their loaves of bread.

a I do not know what happened to companions, but I suppose they were all drowned.

b When they saw I was no longer struggling, they quickly built a platform next to head.

c I became very tired and soon felt I could not swim any more.

d Even hair, which was long and thick, was tied to the ground.

e I was so surprised that I gave a great shout.

f The sky was a cloudless blue and the sea was very calm.

g They were surprised at how much I could eat and drink.

h The wind drove our ship on to a rock, which broke the ship in half.