Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Drygoii

Jobs for Students.

1. Not only do students at Central study and have fun, but a large number of students work throughout summer and winter breaks. 2. There are many different jobs available on campus. 3. Some of these jobs are working opportunities - remember those cafeterias? 4. Also dormitories, bookstores, university stores and administration help. 5. These jobs provide students with the minimum salary, which is $4.75 per hour. 6. Working schedules are very flexible. 7. International students are allowed to work only on campus. 8. Many of them are working and are happy with this opportunity. 9. Working on campus is a good way to earn money and help yourself live. 10. I have been working on campus since I have been in Central University. 11. I worked in food service. 12. I did custodial work during the summer, and recently I have even worked as an English tutor. 13. I am very glad that I can try myself in a really working environment and help myself financially, and let me say one more thing: working is fun and easy!

Из текста вырезаны два предложения. Найдите их место в тексте.
Some of the students even work through the whole year.
They allow the students to work as many hours as they would like.


Автор ответа: IndiraD
1. Not only do students at Central study and have fun, but a large number of students work throughout summer and winter breaks. 2. There are many different jobs available on campus. 3. Some of these jobs are working opportunities - remember those cafeterias? 4. Also dormitories, bookstores, university stores and administration help. 5. These jobs provide students with the minimum salary, which is $4.75 per hour. 6. Working schedules are very flexible. They allow the students to work as many hours as they would like. Some of the students even work through the whole year. 7. International students are allowed to work only on campus. 8. Many of them are working and are happy with this opportunity. 9. Working on campus is a good way to earn money and help yourself live. 10. I have been working on campus since I have been in Central University. 11. I worked in food service. 12. I did custodial work during the summer, and recently I have even worked as an English tutor. 13. I am very glad that I can try myself in a really working environment and help myself financially, and let me say one more thing: working is fun and easy!
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