Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Katrin1973

III. Continue the sentences:(продолжи предложение согласно тексту)
1. The pioneers saw on the huge areas the places for....____________________________________________________________________________________
2. The government made several new treaties with....___________________________________________________________________________________
3. The treaty reduced Indian original lands to smaller tracts called....__________________________________________________________________________________
4. Toward the end of the nineteenth century there arose....___________________________________________________________________________________
5. A new law passed in 1934 was somewhat better adapted to Indian...._________________________________________________________________________________
6. Today about half of the Indian population still live on reservations, the rest live in....________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Many Indians prefer to be called....__________________________________________________________________________________

The Indians: search for a solution
As people moved westward beyond the Mississippi, they continually encroached upon the vast lands of the various Indian tribes. These huge areas in which the Indians hunted and wandered seemed empty and unused. The pioneers saw them as places for mining, for cattle-raising, and for farming, and kept exerting pressure on the United States government to grant them some of this territory. The government then made several new treaties with the Indians, which reduced their lands to smaller tracts called reservations. Within these smaller areas it was difficult о maintain many of their customs.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century there arose a number of organizations which were opposed to this injustice and which championed the cause of the Indians. Several writers focused on their plight and on the moral obligation of the United States to right the wrong that was done о them.
One attempt to deal with problem was the Dawes Act of 1887. This divided the reservation lands into homesteads of 160 acres, each given to an Indian family. Congress also granted the Indians funds for education, which was to be compulsory. Unfortunately these well-intentioned programs did not work out. The Indians were accustomed to common ownership of tribal lands and to tribal units rather than to independent family living and most of them had never been farmers. A new law passed in 1934 was somewhat better adapted to Indian customs and needs. It established self-government of communities on Indian lands, though they still remained under the supervision of the Bureau о Indian Affairs.
Today about half of the Indian population still live on reservations; the rest live cities. All American Indians in the United States have had citizenship since 1924, but life has not improved for many of them who are very poor. After long silence, Indian groups have begun in recent years to demand control over their schools and over other aspects of their life.
Recently there has been in a number of Indian tribes an awakening to the opportunities of modern business that may lead to their economic independence. Large sums of money won in lawsuits against state governments (for Indian lands taken from them long ago) have been invested in profitable utilities and other businesses. Also, in 1987 the federal government began funding the special education of some Indian students who will return to the reservation and use what they have learned to improve the community. It is hoped that these developments will lead to a better life for Native Americans - as many Indians prefer to be called.


Автор ответа: revkova5a
1. The pioneers saw on the huge areas the places for mining, for cattle-raising, and for farming.
2. The government made several new treaties with Indians, which reduced their lands to smaller tracts called reservations.
3.The treaty reduced Indian original lands to smaller tracts called reservations.
4.Toward the end of the nineteenth century there arose a number of organizations which were opposed to this injustice and which championed the cause of the Indians.
5.A new law passed in 1934 was somewhat better adapted to Indian customs and needs.
6.Today about half of the Indian population still live on reservations, the rest live in cities.
7.Many Indians prefer to be called It is hoped that these developments will lead to a better life for Native Americans.
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5. Выпишите вводное слово:

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7. Выпишите вводное слово:

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10. Выпишите вводное слово:

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Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Viktoria123456789000