Предмет: Русский язык, автор: сабина429

15 сложных слов с тремя корнями.СРОЧНО!!!!!!!


Автор ответа: crdd
в скобках указаны корни

1) биогеохимический (био, гео, хим)
2) электрокофемолка (электр, кофе, мол)
3) автомотоспорт (авто, мото, спорт)
экономгеография (эконом, гео, граф)
биогеоценоз (био, гео, цен)
частноземлевладельческий (частн, земл, влад)
7) четырёхсоткилометровый (четыр, сот, метр)
8) гидроэлектростанция (гидр, электр, станци)
9) нефтегазопровод
(нефт, газ, провод)
10) электрогазосварщик (электр, газ, сварщик)

11) видеомагнитофон (видео, магнит, фон)
ветроэлектростанция (ветр, электр, станци)
13) шестидесятилетие (шест, десят, лет)
14) влаговоздухонепроницаемый (влаг, воздух, ниц)
15) ударовибростойкий (удар, вибр, стой)
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Passive voice.

They will meet the delegation at the airport.

My sister never answers his letters.

Don't come in. I am cleaning the room.

He cannot describe his work to you in details.

Mother took the child to the doctor.

They broadcast this news on the radio in the morning.

The specialist used only this method

The students have written four compositions so far.

Next year they will redecorate their old house.

You must examine all of them today.

Ted has broken the vase.

We must find him immediately.

She hasn't brought back the journals yet.

They asked many questions after the lecture.

You can see the building from here.

They haven't shown us this book yet.

My best friend has written that article.

They usually discuss this kind of problems after work.

We will make an announcement in a few minutes.

They can serve the tea downstairs.

You can't use the telephone as it is out of order.

They asked me to help him with this work.

Every summer he paints the roof of the house.

They built a new theatre in our district.

You must return the books to the library on Monday.

They were reconstructing the old bridge then.

At the English lesson they repeat every sentence after the teacher.

Last Sunday he invited us to a concert.

Her friend sent nice flowers to her.

The teacher corrects every mistake.

She has sent the parcels today.

They usually leave their baby with us when they go out.

We had already packed our things for the journey by the time he came.

I have published the article this month.

We listened to the speaker with great attention.

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