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A Christmas card is a greeting card sent as part of the traditional celebration of Christmas.
Read the text about Christmas Cards and their origin, chose the words from the New Year Tree for the
gaps in the text and you’ll know some interesting facts about it.
Christmas cards became popular in (1) _______, they were mostly homemade and given to
loved ones. The first ever Christmas card was the brainchild of (2) _______. The first commercial
Christmas card was painted by (3) _______. It depicts a family feast, under which appear the words,
(4) «_______ ». Side panels illustrated acts of Christmas charity - feeding and clothing the poor etc.
However it was (5) _______, a 19th-century
German immigrant to the United States, who
popularised the sending of printed Christmas cards.
He was a lithographer who settled in (6)_______ in
the 1850s and established a successful printing
business. He invented a way of reproducing color
oil paintings, the "chromolithograph technique", and
created a card with the message (7) «_______» as a
way of showing it off. He went on to produce a
series of popular Christmas cards. By 1881 he was
printing more than (8) _______ cards annually.
The first charity Christmas card was
produced by (9) _______ in 1949. The picture
chosen for the card was painted not by a
professional artist but by a seven year old girl called
(10) _______ of Rudolfo, a small town in what was
then Czechoslovakia. The town received assistance
from UNICEF after the Second World War,
inspiring Jitka to paint some children dancing
around a maypole. She said her picture represented
(11) «_______ ».
Nowadays most people buy their cards from (12) _______, they are sent before Christmas Day
and people use them to decorate their houses.



Автор ответа: ljuponi
(1) Victorian England
(2) Sir Henry Cole
John Callcott Horsley
(4) A
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You
(5) Louis Prang
(6) Boston, Massachusetts
(7) Merry Christmas
(8) five million
(10) Jitka Samkova
(11) joy going round and round
(12) Hallmark

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Предмет: География, автор: adelyasabirova06
Выберите верные утверждения.

• 1. На материке представлены все климатические пояса;
• 2. На климат материка оказывают влияние пассаты и западные ветры;
• 3. Кордильеры не являются препятствием на пути движения воздушных масс с Тихого океана;
• 4. Отсутствие горных хребтов на севере материка создает благоприятные условия для проникновения арктических воздушных масс;
• 5. Из – за разности атмосферного давления над материком и океаном формируется муссон, который влияет на климат восточного побережья материка;
• 6. Воздушные массы, приходящие с Тихого океана, оказывают большее влияние на климат материка, чем воздушные массы Атлантического океана;
• 7. Самую большую площадь на материке занимает субэкваториальный пояс;
• 8. Самые низкие температуры воздуха зарегистрированы в Гренландии;
• 9. Самые высокие температуры воздуха зарегистрированы на Юкатане;
• 10. Холодное Калифорнийское течение способствует выпадению осадков на побережье.