Предмет: Английский язык, автор: daniatitov

как вор сам себя выдал.должно ли воровство быть наказуемо?Всегда ли так происходит?

ArinaA7878: нужно перевести или написать сочинение?


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
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Is it easy... Actually, I think it's very difficult. Everyone thinks differently. Everyone's practically jealous of the young. At least all adults regret being young when the grass was, of course, green. But I think that if they came back to our age, they would remember how good it was to retire!

Young, let's say it's up to 25, but not 50. So, the young man is still growing up. He has some strange, hormonal explosions in his body all the time. Pimples are constant... And it's not like he's an adult, but he's not a child anymore.

Nobody takes it seriously! Kids are growing up faster now, everybody admitted it. There's so much information around now, it's easy enough to find. We have no problem understanding gadgets... I mean, we grow up earlier - real. And we are still being treated like children! For all my hobbies my parents wave their hands, saying, "you'll grow up." But it's very offensive... Age discrimination! But you can see, and at their age there was such a situation, but they probably were not so offended.

You can't get a job to make money, either. I mean, temporary jobs, even summer jobs. You're too young, they say you have no experience, they say you're not strong enough. And they suspect that you haven't made any money yet! And what's in that "mind", which is actually experience, only fears. It's a collection of fears.

And employers do not want to get involved with "child labor", because there can not work much, some other difficulties. That is, there are normal employees and "these" - trainees, which only all persecuted.

The issue of relationships is also relevant. It is at this age that you most want to communicate, romance ... And it is most difficult, because there is no understanding. There is only self-confidence... Don't go near the worst ones - nobody will accept them again. And there's feelings! And to hear the answer when you open your heart that this love will pass like chickenpox... Terrible.

And you also have to make up your mind about work. You need to know exactly who you want to be. And if you don't agree with your parents?! And the hardest part is EG. There's no time left but to study. And if you don't give up, all the doors are closed. And the essence of these exams is to memorize the answers, the format is heavy.

So, being young is a lot of work every day. I'd rather retire!