Предмет: Русский язык, автор: КаМиЛоЧкА1111

объясните различие в лексическом значении слов арена и сцена


Автор ответа: aabalazade
Сцена - площадка на которой даются представления.
Арена - круглая площадка, посередине цирка, на которой даются представления; манеж

omriram: И все?
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1. Harvard is the oldest university in America. It was founded in 1636. Probably this is the most famous, prestigious and noble place to study. The actual level of its teaching standards and scien- tific research is undeniable.
2. We can make a very long list of famous Harvard's graduates and their achievements. But there are two of them who are particular- ly interesting for us. Their names are Bill Gates and Mark Zucker- berg. B.Gates invented Windows and is now one of the richest peo- ple in the world. M. Zuckerberg created Facebook.
3. The most important things at Harvard are atmosphere, teach-
ing standard, individual work and the desire to study. Harvard's stu- dents want to explore and to learn, and are always motivated by its brilliant teaching staff*.
4. Many students from different parts in the world want to lis- ten to the lectures. That is why, they are recorded and then uploaded on a special webpage*. The videos are divided into logical segments and this makes it easier to find the required part. And how are the given assignments marked? In the era of the Internet, this is not a problem. Any student can do homework in Microsoft Word and in- sert drawings if necessary, or write by hand on paper and then scan it.
5. Finally, a few words about teaching at Harvard. The most important thing is that professors are always very attentive to their students. They especially emphasize the students' understanding and involvement. The student sends an e-mail to the professor and asks a question or arranges a personal meeting. Do you think that it is im- possible for everyone to see these lectures? That's not true. Many lectures are available on-line on YouTube, so you can find a lecture that is particularly interesting to you, as if you were* a Harvard stu- dent.