Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Назим1234

В стае в ту зиму ходила молодая волчица, не позабывшая ребячьих своих забав. Днем волки, свернувшись в клубки, дремали, а она вскакивала, кружилась, утаптывая снег, и будила стариков. Волки нехотя поднимались, тыкались в нее холодными носами, а она шутливо огрызалась, кусая их за ноги. Старые волчихи, свернувшись и не поднимая голов, поглядывали на молодую проказницу. Однажды ночью волчица поднялась и побежала в поле, а за ней, высунув языки, затряслись старики. Волчихи оставались лежать, потом и они побежали за стаей. Волки бежали по дороге, а за ними скользили, ломаясь на снегу, тени. Снег в лучах луны блестел алмазами. От деревни послышался звон бубенцов. Казалось, что зазвенели, покатившись по дороге, звезды, упавшие с неба. Волки, завязая по брюхо, отошли в поле и легли, повернувшись мордами к деревне.

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Автор ответа: Chupachups09
Позабывшай ребячьих своих забав

Назим1234: спасибо
Назим1234: но это не деепричасный оборот а причасный
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sashahimoroda69
I. Read the first text and do the tasks, My favourite writer. My name is John, I am thirteen years old. I iive in England, in Nottingham. I am fond of reading English literature. We've got a big home library. My favourite writer is Charles Dickens. He was born in 1812 and lived till 1 870. He is one of England's greatest writers. At a young age Dickens was forced to work in a factory under terrible conditions. The boy's childhood was very hard and sad. Then Dickens worked as a reporter in law courts and later for London newspapers. In 1837 he published his comic novel "The Pickwick Papers" which made him popular. A long line of successful novels followed: "Oliver Twist" (1837), "A Christmas Carol" (1843), "A Tale of Two Cities" (1859) and "Great Expectations" (1861). Dickens saw all the social evils of the English society and they worried him greatly. I'd like to point to the most favourite books of mine written by this famous writer. The first one is a novel "David Copperfield" which he wrote in 1849 - 1850. This novel is partly based on Dickens's early life and his struggle to become a writer. The characters in the book were actual people Dickens knew while many adventures of the hero, David Copperfield, were part of his own experience as a young boy. Another novel which is worth reading is "A Christmas Carol". It's a wonderful story written by Dickens more than a century and a half ago. The writer wanted to show that love, care and patience: were much, stronger that greediness, anger and hatred. People of all generations and of all times should remember about it. 1. Write what these numbers refer to : 1812_____1837_______ 1843_______ 1849-1850________ 2. Answer the questions. 1. What is John's favourite writer? 2. What was Dicken's childhood? 3. What book made him popular? 4. What is "David Copperfield" based on?​