Предмет: Обществознание, автор: 5классмоиувлечения

обществознание 5 класс мои увлечения


Автор ответа: Atomm1
Мои увлечения .Мне нравиться наука и спорт .Только наука и спорт а остальное мне не нужно .Увлекаюсь футболом,английским и математикой .Потому что там очень интересно и особенно тогда когда твой учитель обьясняет хорошо!Я люблю и ценю учительниц уважающих нас.
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mastertoibov

Task. Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and make a dialogue with a partner. Give own

opinion on topic, ask questions, explain your position and answer your partners' questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk.

Card 1.Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our class'. The following questions will help

you to organize your talk:

1) What grade are you in?

2) Do you have to wear a uniform?

3) What is your favourite subject at school? 4) What do you usually do after school?

5) Do you enjoy studying?

Card 2. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our class'. The following questions will help

you to organize your talk:

1) What do you like about your classroom?

2) What colour of classroom walls is the best for you?

3) Can you describe your classroom in five words? What are they?

4) What are five things you don't like about your classroom? 5) What are five things you would like to change in your classroom?

Card 3. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our class'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) How many students are there in your class?

2) Describe two of your classmates who attend your class

3) What subjects are you good at?

4) What subjects are you bad at'?

5) Do you study a foreign language at school?

Card 4. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our class'. The following questions will help.

you to organize your talk: 1) Are good grades important to student?

2) Which subject do you enjoy studying? Why? 3) What are the qualities of a good student?

4) How much free time do you have at school?

5) Do you go to any clubs at your school? What are they?

Card 5. Discuss with your partner the topic "Helping and Heroes'. The following questions

will help you to organize your talk: 1) Do you believe in superheroes?

2) Who is your favourite male superhero? Why?

3) Who is your favourite female superhero? Why?

4) Do you think people need superheroes?

5) Do you want to be a superhero? Why?

Card 6. Discuss with your partner the topic Helping and Heroes'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) Do you usually help other people?

2) What do you usually do to help other people?

3) How often do you help other people?

4) Who do you usually help?

5) Why do you think you should help other people?

Card 7. Discuss with your partner the topic Helping and Heroes'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) How can you help people in need?

2) How can you help the elderly people?

3) Did you do it alone, with friends or with your family? 4) Did you make new friends while you were doing the work?

5) How did you feel after finishing the work?

Card 8. Discuss with your partner the topic Helping and Heroes'. The following questions

will help you to organize your talk: 1) Did someone ever help you?

2) Who helped you? 3) When it happened?

4) Why did he/she help you? 5) How did you feel after this?
Предмет: Математика, автор: Аринанизова