Предмет: История, автор: legendarnyjaa

Заполнить таблицу Выбор Иваном 3 наследника дата 1498 г 1499 году 1502 году 1505 году


Автор ответа: olivka9
1498 – Венчание на царство сына Ивана Молодого, Дмитрия
1499 – Иван III налагает опалу на жену Ивана Молодого, Елену, её сына Дмитрия, бояр Ряполовских и Патрикеевых. Поход московских воевод за Урал.
1502 – Объявление сына Софьи Палеолог Василия наследником престола. Низложение Абдыл-Летифа и возвращение в Казань Мухаммед-Аминя. Битва с магистром ливонского ордена Плеттенбергом у Пскова
1505 – Смерть Ивана III и начало княжения Василия III (1505-1533).
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Reading Total [6] Task. Read the text and identify True (T) and False (F) sentences. "Helping If your friend has a problem, you probably try to help him or her. However, do you know that animals also help each other? In a film about animals, a zoologist explained that scientists were learning a lot about the ways that animals behave. For example, he said that when he studied a group of dolphins, he saw something unusual. Dolphins need air to survive, but one of the dolphins in the group was too weak to swim to the top of the water. So, several dolphins quickly swam under him and pushed him to the top of the water where he could get air. Then, they held him there. until he was strong enough to swim alone. A scientist in Africa told another example of animals helping each other. The scientist was watching a local elephant eating some leaves from a tree. Suddenly, another elephant arrived. Animals often attack other animals that enter their territory and eat their food, so what happened next surprised the scientist. The second elephant was hurt and could not get its own food, so the first elephant pulled a small tree from the ground and put it into the weak elephant's mouth. For that reason, there are some questions to answer. When animals help one another, does it also improve their chances of survival or are they just being nice? These are just some of the questions that scientists are still trying to answer. 1. According to the film, animals can be very cruel to the weak once. 2. The zoologist studied dolphins. 3. Dolphins pushed another dolphin to the surface of the water to save it's life. 4. The scientist observed how groups of elephants were eating leaves; Suddenly, another elephant attacked them. 5. Usually animals dislike other animals that come to their living place. 6. The elephant started to feed the weak one. помогите соч​
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