Предмет: Английский язык, автор: venua470hotmai

cрочно помогите составте текст на английском про пингвинов пожалуйста


Автор ответа: FRERAD
Pinguins  always walk and live in groups, and in case if any of them is in danger, they try to help it. A lot of people call pinguins birds, this is because when they jump into water they shake their arms like birds do with their wings. There are many different types of penguins. Ground penguins are the ones that don't like cold and you can see them in hot countries and in the zoos. Another type of penguins that most of the people are familiar with, are the ones that live on the north where there is very cold. Penguins are defenseless animals, they never hurt people or attack them. They can be different in colour:  white  black and yellow. Some penguins are soft and fluffy, some penguins are smooth and slippery. I have also seen penguins with the massive eyebrown that are yellow. I also saw a programme about penguins on the TV show and learnt that some people have penguins at home as pets! Usually when people make pictures of penguins they are not allowed to come close to the penguines because they will be very scared. All types of penguines eat fish and nothing more. I like penguins because I find these animals very friendly
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Предмет: Математика, автор: umidaurazalieva88