Предмет: Русский язык, автор: flelf

Сказка кавказский пленник выписать 5 предложений с обращением


Автор ответа: KarinKots
-Айда,хозяин, айда!
-Товарищ,как хочет;он,может,богат,а я не богат.
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: annakoshkina9392929
Vocabulary & Grammar
A Circle the correct item.
1 Would you like your rice fried or ..............?
A grilled B cooked
C boiled
21 like the skirt but it doesn't
Have you got a bigger size?
A suit
B wear
3 Can you pass me that jar of ................ please?
A honey B butter C milk
..... me.
4 Nick's gone shopping. He.......... be back in
an hour.
A will
B is going to C won't
S I'd like chicken wings as an appetizer and roast
duck for my.................. please.
A main course B dessert C snack
6 My new job is much better than my old one. I
................. a lot more now.
A earn
B win
C pay
7 Have you got a fitting room? I'd like to
........... this on.
B fit
A try
C put
8 Could I have a ............... for my soup, please?
A knife
B fork C spoon
B any
A box
Ca little
11 It's Amy's birthday tomorrow. Let's get her a
........ of flowers!
12 We don't need ................ ice cream. There are
two tubs in the freezer!
A some B many
13 I love the jewellery in this shop. Look at these
beautiful ................ and rings.
A suits
B shorts
B carton C bunch
14 Please make yourself some dinner. I
be late tonight.
A can't
B am going to C won't
15 I'd like roast chicken and a baked
A salad
B potato
I wanted to pay by credit card but they only 19 I spend a lot of money on
accept .................
handbags and hats.
A footwear
A change
C bracelets
16 I'm just going to the.
get some envelopes.
A stationer's B toy shop
B toy shop
B cash
C wages
10 You'd better buy some bread, Alan. We've only 20 Look at that waiter! He ......
got ................ left.
A a few
A 's going to B going to
C grocer's
17 Can you get me some aspirin and plasters from
the ................. please?
A chemist's B florist's C delicatessen
C beans
Jack. I need to
18 I can................ you some money if you want to
come to the cinema with us tonight.
A borrow B take C lend
B accessories C toiletries
..... like
.... drop those
Предмет: Литература, автор: Аноним
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: merinskaya1980