Предмет: Русский язык, автор: WinxPolina05

Лис получил телеграмму-шифр. Помогите ему ее перевести. Будьте внимательны: при дешифровке все знаки препинания и прописные буквы сохраняются. Да, и не теряйте пробелы. Впрочем, и лишних не добавляйте.
Шелпа шижмалкая шлкаек, шасьяхпая и шекмепая. Шелесье шевпиж шоц шсегек, шеситие шолкомчи шыфышая!


Автор ответа: JNKBXYBR2005
Весна вихрастая встает, вальяжная и ветреная.Веселье вешних вод влечет, великие восторги вызывая.
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Panvill
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Finishing school millions of young people begin their independent lives. They usually start making their future career choices from finding out all the possible advantages and disadvantages of their future profession. Some people follow their own choice, at the same time others follow their parents` advice.

As far as I know, people usually begin making plans for the future asking themselves: “What do I want to be when I grow up/ leave school?” We can address this question as many times as necessary until we have a definite answer. Then we can consider all the details and start preparing for the future profession. First of all, your job should seem interesting to you. I believe that an exciting job that you like is a very important component of happiness in life. Secondly, you should understand what skills and knowledge you need to have to do the job. You must be well-educated and well-informed. That is the reason why people should be attentive and careful in their choices, being able to study and work hard to succeed.

I have already decided what to do. I would like to become a doctor. This profession is very noble and highly respectful. I understand that I need to be good at biology and chemistry, to become a good doctor and help people who have problems with health.

2. Ответьте (письменно) на вопросы:

How people choose a career?

When people usually begin making plans for the future?

How we can prepare for the future profession?

What your choice of future profession is?.