Предмет: Английский язык, автор: StesnyaШka

Как учитель сказала задание для 2-го класса, вот передаю эстафету вам , задание №7, получилось 2-е фотографии т.к задание на разных листах, то бишь на 1-ом листе начало, на втором листе продолжение, надеюсь поймете, ну и перевод написанного разумеется, заранее пасибки



Автор ответа: plataisanton
1 - Have you eaten dinner yet?
- Yes, I have already eaten dinner.
2 - Have they done their homework yet?
- No, they haven't done their homework yet.
3 -Tom, have you written the letter yet?
- Yes, I have already written the letter.
4 - Sophia, have you watched the news yet?
- No, I haven't watched the news yet.
5 - Mum, have you cleaned the house yet?
- No, I haven't cleaned the house yet.
6 - Have they already gone the shopping yet?
- Yes, they gone the shopping.
7. - Have you washed the clothes yet?
- Yes, I have already washed the clothes.
8 - Bob, have you gone to bed yet?
- No, I haven't gone to bed yet.

1 Ты съел ужин?
Да, я уже съел ужин.
2 Они сделали домашнее задание?
Нет, они ещё не сделали домашнее задание.
3 Том, ты написал письмо?
Да, я уже написал письмо.
4 Софья, ты посмотрела новости?
Нет, я ещё не смотрела новости.
5 Мам, ты сделала уборку в доме?
Нет, я ещё не делала уборку в доме.
6 Они сходили за покупками?
Да, они уже сходили за покупками.
7 Ты постирал одежду?
Да, я постирал одежду.
8 Боб, ты лёг спать?
Нет, я ещё не лёг спать.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: iwannagotanswer
Exercise 13. Define the cases of pun based on the interaction
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proper) and on the interaction of different meanings of a
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1. And later, Ginny was to tell herself that it was only
incipient hysteria that made her clutch at his arm, her voice
as sharp as her digging nails. (R.R.)
2. Working as an elevator operator has its ups and downs.
3. Halfway to the bottom, a young man jogged by. His T-shirt
proclaimed the message: NO GUT, NO GLORY!
Langdon looked after him, mystified. “Gut?” (D.B.)
4. You’ll find it best to stay in your cabin as much as possible
on the voyage, Mrs. J. Sailors are rough folk and the
weather is rougher. (K.F.)
5. “Who is Sarah?”
“Morton’s persona; secretary. His old assistant.”
“I’ve seen pictures of her,” Jennifer said. “She doesn’t look
very old.” (M.C.)
6. “He’s cool, isn’t he?” ‒ Grey said with admiration.
“Yeah, but his cool ass is now sitting deep in boiling
water.” (J.G.)
7. “You’re a bastard, Cap.”
“I can prove my parentage beyond a shadow of a doubt, “–
Cap said. (S.K.)
8. We drank quietly for several minutes. Few things go down
as easily as Cordon Bleu. (S.P.)
9. “Whoever wrote that note made a mistake. That column
isn’t Ionic. Ionic columns are uniform in width. That one’s
tapered. It’s Doric – the Greek counterpart. A common
Kohler did not smile. “The author meant it as a joke, Mr.
Langdon. Ionic means containing ions – electrically
charged particles. Most objects contain them.”
Langdon looked back at the column and groaned. (D.B.)
10. He reverted to his thuggish self and said, “Sometimes,
when we make mistakes, we have to bury our mistakes.”
11. “When they catch you … please, try not to give me up,
then I’ll have a chance to save us.”
“I won’t, be sure. Just don’t give up hoping, and believe me
– everything will be okay.” (J.G.)
12. “Keep your fingers crossed,” Evans said. “I’ve got
everything crossed.” (M.C.)
13. It (the car) had an insect problem. Full of bugs. Insect-free.
14. “Come to think of it,” the detective had continued joking,
“cameras and guns both shoot people, donʼt they?” (D.M.)
15. “I’ve taken on extra work in this journal … Why the hell!
I have no time.”
“Don’t take on so.” (C.B.)
Предмет: Математика, автор: brainly9341