Предмет: Французский язык, автор: причинный

Пожалуйста помогите!!!
Образуйте женский род и множественное число прилагательных.
Vrai, inférier, intelligent, petite, premier, prochain, humain, curieux, gentil, bon.


Автор ответа: kira2311
vrai - vraie/vrais
inférieur - inférieure/inférieurs
intelligent - intelligente/intelligents
petite (это женский род)/petits 
premier - première/premiers
prochain - prochaine/prochains
humain - humaine/humains
curieux - curieuse/curieux (прилагательные, которые в ед.ч заканчиваются на s или x, во мн.ч не изменяются)
gentil - gentille/gentils
bon - bonne/bons

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Harrow School

Harrow, the second best public school in the UK after Eton, was founded in 1572 as a public school for the children of poor farmers but quickly became one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. Famous Old Harrovians include Winston Churchill and Lord Byron.

Harrow is an all-boys school for 800 pupils. It is a full boarding school with nineteen boarding houses. A boarding house is a building where pupils can sleep and rest. Each boy either has a separate room or shares one with another boy. Boys' safety is one of the school's top priorities, so all boarding houses have three resident staff and very strong locks. Some also have a thick wall all around and a metal net over the yard. Even parents are not allowed to get there.

The school has outstanding facilities including the best golf courses, a swimming pool, the latest computers and even the best school theatre in the UK. All teachers live in the school to make sure that pupils are offered a wide range of evening and weekend activities.

The lowest admission age for the school is thirteen. The school is very prestigious, so some parents apply as soon as their son is born! Normally parents register their son at least two years in advance. Most candidates have to attend an interview, do well in primary school and pass a test. There are some free places to let gifted pupils study at Harrow’s but most pupils have to pay about £13,000 a year plus extra charges.

Are the following statements true, false or unstated? Choose the correct option.

1. Initially, Harrow school was a public school for the children of poor people.

Not Stated

2. There are a lot of famous people among Harrovians.

Not Stated

3. The Prime minister Winston Churchill studied at Harrows.

Not Stated

4. Boys' success in studies is one of the school's top priorities.

Not Stated

5. A boarding house is a building where pupils study.

Not Stated

6. Children are admitted to school from the age of fifteen.

Not Stated

7. Parents usually register their son two (or more) years in advance.

Not Stated​