Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Nasiaa
просьба перевести. 50 баллов
Московский международный деловой центр «Москва-Сити» — одно из самых неоднозначных архитектурных решений Москвы. Деловой центр строится уже почти 20 лет став одной из достопримечательностей столицы.
Начало истории создания Москва-Сити уходит в 1992 год, когда мэр Москвы Юрий Лужков дал согласие на строительство делового центра на Краснопресненской набережной.
Я вам раскажу про одну из башен.
Башня «Федерация». Была построена 2003-2017 года. Это самый высокий небоскреб в Европе, входит в категорию «сверхвысокие строения» (строения выше 300 метров).
Состоит из 2 зданий:
Башня Восток сначала носила название башня А, новое название она получила в 2006 году. Здание включает в себя 93 наземных и 3 подземных этажа, курсируют 17 скоростных лифтов.
При сооружении плиты фундамента башни был установлен рекорд, записанный в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Всего было использовано 14 000 кубометров бетона.
2 апреля 2012 года на башне «Восток» произошел крупный пожар, который было видно за десятки километров. По официальной информации в результате этого инцидента никто не пострадал, существенный ущерб зданию причинен не был.
Башня Запад раньше носила название башня В, новое название она получила в 2006 году. Здание включает в себя 62 наземных и 4 подземных этажа, тут работает 6 скоростных и 11 парных лифтов.
Первоначально планировалось между двумя башнями возвести 506-метровый шпиль (для сравнения: высота Останкинской телебашни составляет 540 метров), но затем от него отказались, что несколько исказило первоначальный замысел высотного комплекса.
Автор ответа:
Moscow International Business Center "Moscow City" is one of Moscow's most ambiguous architectural solutions. The business center has been under construction for almost 20 years becoming one of the sights of the capital.
The beginning of the history of the creation of Moscow City goes back to 1992, when Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov agreed to build a business center on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment.
I'll tell you about one of the towers.
Federation Tower". Was built in 2003-2017 years. This is the highest skyscraper in Europe, is included in the category of "super high buildings" (buildings above 300 meters).
It consists of 2 buildings:
Tower East was first called Tower A, a new name it received in 2006. The building includes 93 ground and 3 underground floors, 17 high-speed elevators run.
When constructing the base plate of the tower, a record was set, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. A total of 14,000 cubic meters of concrete were used.
April 2, 2012 on the tower "East" there was a major fire, which was visible for tens of kilometers. According to official information, as a result of this incident, no one was injured, no significant damage was caused to the building.
The Tower of the West used to be called Tower B, it was given a new name in 2006. The building includes 62 ground and 4 underground floors, there are 6 high-speed and 11 twin lifts.
Originally planned between the two towers to erect a 506-meter spire (for comparison: the height of the Ostankino TV tower is 540 meters), but then it was abandoned, which somewhat distorted the original design of the high-rise complex
The beginning of the history of the creation of Moscow City goes back to 1992, when Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov agreed to build a business center on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment.
I'll tell you about one of the towers.
Federation Tower". Was built in 2003-2017 years. This is the highest skyscraper in Europe, is included in the category of "super high buildings" (buildings above 300 meters).
It consists of 2 buildings:
Tower East was first called Tower A, a new name it received in 2006. The building includes 93 ground and 3 underground floors, 17 high-speed elevators run.
When constructing the base plate of the tower, a record was set, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. A total of 14,000 cubic meters of concrete were used.
April 2, 2012 on the tower "East" there was a major fire, which was visible for tens of kilometers. According to official information, as a result of this incident, no one was injured, no significant damage was caused to the building.
The Tower of the West used to be called Tower B, it was given a new name in 2006. The building includes 62 ground and 4 underground floors, there are 6 high-speed and 11 twin lifts.
Originally planned between the two towers to erect a 506-meter spire (for comparison: the height of the Ostankino TV tower is 540 meters), but then it was abandoned, which somewhat distorted the original design of the high-rise complex
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