Предмет: Английский язык, автор: as121x

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Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is a study of the compounds of carbon. The name “organic” evolved from the theory that any material derived from or produced by any living organism required a “vital force” identified only with life itself. All other compounds were considered to be of mineral origin and were termed “inorganic”. The organic compounds were thought to be utterly complex and impossible of synthesis in the laboratory.
Today over 400,000 different organic compounds have been isolated or synthesized and characterized. The number of possible compounds is extremely large.
Organic compounds can form isomers: that is, different compounds containing the same elements in the same proportions but with different structural or spatial arrangement of the atoms. Thus a study of organic chemistry would be extremely complex except for the orderly manner of arrangement and comparison of the various possible classes of compounds.
The field of organic chemistry is usually broken down into three divisions, namely: aliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic.

Задания к тексту:

I. Задайте вопрос к каждому абзацу текста
II. Укажите предложения, которые не соответствуют содержанию текста
a) Organic chemistry is a study of the compounds of carbon.
b) All other compounds were considered to be of mineral origin and were termed “organic”.
c) The number of possible compounds is extremely small.
d) The field of organic chemistry is usually broken down into three divisions.


Автор ответа: madlen1103
1) What is an organic chemistry study of?
3) What is the number of possible organic compounds are there?
3) Can organic compounds form isomers?
4) How many divisions is the field of organic chemistry is broken to?
All other compounds were considered to be of mineral origin and were termed 'INORGANIC'.
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