Предмет: Русский язык, автор: BlogerAlka

Скажите пожалуйста на какие вопросы отвечают: Именительный падеж, Родительный падеж
Дательный падеж
Винительный падеж
Творительный падеж



Автор ответа: AnnKaan
Им. п - Кто?Что?
Род.п -Кого?Чего?(нет)
Дат.п.- Кому?Чему?(дать)
Вин.п. -Кого?Что?(винить)
Тв.п.- Кем?Чем?(творить)

BlogerAlka: Спасибо большое!
AnnKaan: :))
Автор ответа: Lesana02
И.п кто?Что?
Р.п кого?чего?
Д.п кому?чему?
В.п кто?что?
Т.п кем?чем?
П.п о ком?о чем?
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: urzabajakniet
Task 1 Grade 8, SAT 3. 1. Andrew When I was in college, I spent a semester studying in London. I loved the lifestyle in London. During my free time, I had a lot of fun playing soccer with my British friends -of course they call it football over there. And I really loved the old buildings. I mean they're really old. We don't have anything that old in the US, so that part was pretty amazing! Another thing was TV. The British have a different sense of humour... very dry. I really like it. Their shows are really funny! I'd have to say my experience was a positive one overall, except for the rainy weather, of course. I had trouble getting used to that. 2. Rachel I lived in Madrid for a whole year. And I have to be honest and say that at first, well, I wasn't very happy. You see, I was homesick. I missed my family, and I just wanted to go home. Part of the problem was my Spanish. I couldn't communicate very well. But I love to eat! And that's what really saved me. I tried tapas, those small plates of food with bite-sized portions that they serve in places all over the city. There were so many kinds! Fried squid, sausages, olives, all kinds of meat and seafood in sauces ... Oh! It makes me hungry just thinking about it. And of course, tapas are meant to be shared with other people, so it's really fun. I made some Spanish friends, and we'd go out for tapas all the time. So, I got to eat a lot of delicious food, and of course, my Spanish improved dramatically as well. But there was one thing that was difficult to adjust to, and that was that dinner was always served at a late hour. I wasn't used to eating at eleven o'clock at night! Andre w (A) Rachel (R) Read the text about Find who has such kind of experience, write the name. 1. felt homesick 2. enjoyed the old buildings 3. liked TV shows 4. shared tapas with friends 5. didn't like the rainy weather​