Предмет: Русский язык, автор: katyagontareva

в чем разница между словами сшить и пошить?

katyagontareva: ну вот какой?как сформулировать?
antonmelentiev: сшить это что то сделать а пошить подругому подшить
katyagontareva: спасибо,стало немного понятнее
EsenkaSacyuk: ПОШИТЬ, -шью, -шьешь; -шей; -итый; сов., что. 1. Провести нек-роевремя, занимаясь шитьем. 2. Сшить (в 1 знач.), изготовить шитьем (прост, испец.). П. пальто. II сущ. пошив, -а, м. (ко 2 знач.; спец.) и пошивка, -и,ж. (ко 2 знач.). II прил. пошивочный, -ая, -ое (ко 2 знач.; спец.).Пошивочная мастерская.
katyagontareva: спасибо!)))))


Автор ответа: Аноним

 Пошить - какое-то время заниматься шитьем.
 Сшить - получить готовый результат (сшитое изделие).
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Patricia27
Установить соответствие тем A-G текстами 1-6 Занесите ответы в таблицу.Используйте каждую букву только один раз.В задании одна тема лишняя.







1)Photography has many uses. Most of us use photographs to save special moments for the future, but scientists can also learn a lot from them. In the nineteenth century, for example, people argued about whether all four of a horse’s legs left the ground at the same time when it ran. A man call Eadwcard Muybridge took high-speed photographs of a horse and proved that all four legs were indeed off the ground at the same moment.

2)The ordinary camera that uses film seems to be a thing of the past. These days, more and more people are using digital cameras to capture those unforgettable moments. In ten years’ time, we’ll all be taking pictures that we then put on our computers to print out or to send around the world by e-mail. The cameras will get better and cheaper, and the world of photography will never be the same again!

3)Is your album full of boring snapshots? Taking good photographs is a lot easier than you might think. The secret is to find new ways of looking at an ordinary scene. If you’re taking a picture of a building, what happens if you look up? Or perhaps the back of the building is more interesting than the front. Photography is about surprises and discovering new points of view.

4)Before buying a camera, it’s important to decide what you’re going to use it for. Do you want to take-quick photos of your friends and family? In that case, you should go for a cheap camera that you can keep in your bag or pocket, always ready. Do you want to take artistic pictures? If so, you will probably want to spend a bit more on a more expensive professional camera. A little thought now can help you choose wisely.

5)Many people hope to simply pick up a camera, point it and produce great pictures. Photography is a lot easier than it used to be, but it’s still easy to get it wrong. Remember that you should have the sun behind you. Too many people take photographs facing the sun and then are surprised when there’s too much light! Another thing to avoid is taking pictures of something far away in the dark. Your flash won’t help at a distance.

6)When the Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot first pointed his camera at a window in his home, Lacock Abbey, in 1835, he helped to start a revolution. This was the moment he created the first photograph on paper. His ideas, together with those of other pioneers, including the Frenchmen Daguerre and Niepce, changed things forever. Today’s world of full-colour images had its beginnings in their experiments.