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Уривки з яких документів / джерел наведено? Визначте історичне значення подій, про які йдеться. A. «Після всемилостивішого від нас звільнення графа Розумовського, на його прохання, з чину гетьманського наказуємо нашому Сенатові для належного управління в Малій Росії створити там Малоросійську колегію, в якій бути головним нашому генералу графу Румянцеву і з ним чотирьом великоросійським членам 6. Для певного і правильного одержання казенних прибутків у намісництвах Київському, Чернігівському / Новгород-Сіверському, щоб запобігти всяким втечам | обтяженню поміщиків інших сільських жителів, кожному з поселян залишитися на своєму місці і при своему званні, де він записаний нинішньою останньою ревізією, за винятком тих, які відлучитися до оголошення цього нашого указун
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Read the text and mark the sentences True (T), False (F) or Doesn’t say (DS).
In Russia children go to school at the age of six or seven. They spend four years at primary school, five years at secondary school and two years at senior school.
School normally starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 3 pm though this may vary slightly from school to school. Young students have 3-4 lessons a day and older students have up to 7 lessons a day. This means that the school week can be either 5 or 6 days long. In large cities where there are a lot of students attending the same school, there are sometimes separate morning and afternoon sessions. There are usually around 20-30 students in a class.
There is a wide range of school subjects for students aged 12-17. These include Russian, Literature, Maths (including Algebra and Geometry), History, Social Science, Biology, Geography, Physics, ICT, Chemistry, and others. English is the main and most popular foreign language although students can also learn Spanish, German or French. Almost all classes involve the use of computers and media technology. Some schools may specialize in certain subjects, Maths and Science, for example. There are also vocational schools that train students in a specialized profession, such as music or dance, alongside their usual lessons.
The school year is usually divided into four terms with three breaks. School starts on 1st September and finishes on 31st May. The summer holiday starts on 1st June and lasts for three months but Year 9 and Year 11 students take their exams in June. The Russian National Exam is a national test combining school-leaving exams and entrance exams to universities.
Задание 1. In Russia children go to school at the age of ten or eleven. ______
Задание 2. In Russia children spend four years at primary school. ______
Задание 3. Young students have 3-4 lessons a day and older students have up to 7 lessons a day. ______
Задание 4. English is the main and most popular foreign language in the world. ______
Задание 5. The school year is usually divided into three terms with three breaks. ______
Задание 6. School starts on 2nd September. ______
Задание 7. School finishes on 31st May. ______
Задание 8. Children like summer holiday. ______