Предмет: Русский язык, автор: olgapetrovaaaaa

Из художественной литературы подобрать где подлежащее выражено
1) Прилагательным
2) Притяжательным местоимением
3) Отрицательным местоимением
4) глаголом в неопределённой форме
5) причастием
6) числительным
7) наречием
8) междометием
9) словосочетанием


Автор ответа: 6e3JIuKuu
1. К ним стали подходить знакомые, гулявшие в саду. (А. П. Чехов, «Учитель словесности» )
2. Гони! Наш не любит оборванной черни! (Н. А. Некрасов, «Размышления у парадного подъезда» )
3. С тех пор уже никто не заговаривал с Татьяной (И. С. Тургенев, «Муму» )
Ничто не сблизит больше нас,
Ничто мне не отдаст покой.. .
(М. Ю. Лермонтов, «Стансы» )
4. Жить – это только привычка. (А. А. Ахматова, «Нас четверо» )
5. …Танцующие теснились и толкали друг друга. (А. И. Куприн, «Поединок» )
6. И опять идут двенадцать.. . (А. Блок, «Двенадцать» )
7. Их [обломовцев] загрызёт тоска, если завтра не будет похоже на сегодня, а послезавтра – на завтра (И. А. Гончаров, «Обломов) .
8. И се – равнину оглашая,
Далече грянуло ура:
Полки увидели Петра.
(А. С. Пушкин, «Полтава» )
9. Каждый из нас станет на самом краю площадки… (М. Ю. Лермонтов, «Герой нашего времени» ) Базаров с Аркадием уехали на другой день (И. С Тургенев, «Отцы и дети»)
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Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentence.

Example: My sister _____ Italian.

A speak  B speaks  C do speak 

1 That’s the shop _____ has the best clothes.

A which  B which it  C where 

2 Do you think _____ tomorrow?

A it’s going to rain  B it’s raining  C it rains 

3 The hotel _____ was called ‘The Malibu’.

A what we stayed in  B which we stayed  C where we stayed 

4 A Is Mike going to get a summer job?

B Yes, _____.

A he’s getting  B he is  C he gets 

5 I’m looking for someone _____ can speak Chinese.

A which  B what  C who 

6 A We’re on holiday in Paris next week.

B Oh! _____ there?

A Do you fly  B You going flying  C Are you flying 

7 Let’s find a place _____ we can sit down and have a coffee.

A which  B where  C that 

8 My brother’s going to university next year, but I _____.

A don’t  B ’m going  C ’m not 

9 The girl _____ is sitting over there.

A who I like  B who I like her  C which I like her 

10 _____ before lunchtime tomorrow?

A Did they arrive  B Are they going to arrive  C Are they arrive 

2.Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with words about air travel.

Example: We met our friends in the _____ terminal, then took them home.

A Arrivals  B Check-in  C Baggage 

1 _____ between European cities are cheap these days.

A Flying  B Flies  C Flights 

2 They looked in all our bags at _____.

A customs  B lifts  C terminal 

3 The 12.05 to Florida leaves from _____ number 55.

A terminal  B gate  C lift 

4 They checked our papers at passport _____.

A drop-off  B control  C reclaim 

5 These bags are heavy. Can you get a _____, please?

A gate  B terminal  C trolley 

6 You can leave your bag at _____.

A check-in  B baggage reclaim  C control 

7 This is the last call for all _____ to Rio.

A flyers  B tourists  C passengers 

8 Let’s take the _____ to the second floor.

A lift  B terminal  C gate 

9 If you’re flying abroad, take your _____ with you!

A pass  B passport  C card 

10 The airport has two _____ for departures, and three for arrivals.

A customs  B flights  C terminals 

3.Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: I went _____ Chicago two years ago.

A to  B in  C from 

11 My plans depend _____ the weather. We need a sunny day for a picnic!

A from  B of  C on 

12 Let’s pay now. Can you ask the waiter _____ the bill, please?

A to  B for  C with 

13 I’m sorry, but I don’t agree _____ you at all.

A with  B about  C to 

14 I wrote _____ Mike, but he didn’t answer.

A for  B to  C about 

15 A Sorry, I can’t pay _____ those trainers. They’re too expensive.

B Oh, OK Mum. What about these? They’re cheaper.

A on  B to  C for 

16 Sally invited us _____her party, but we couldn’t go.

A at  B on  C to 

17 What do you think _____ his latest film?

A to  B after  C of 

18 We like going skiing _____ the winter.

A in  B at  C on 

19 Did you speak _____ the boss about your holiday?

A of  B to  C for 

20 We never talk _____ politics. It’s boring.

A for  B about  C to 

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