Предмет: Русский язык, автор: anna7434526

Сочинение с использованием причастий, и прилагательных с суффиксами н , нн . 7 -10 предложений . Тема:"Унылая пора , очей очарование "


Автор ответа: нуна2019
Унылая пора,очей очарование.
 Вот и наступила эта прекрасНая пора ! Стоит замечательная осенНяя погода. Люди смотрят на деревья и кустарники,очароваННые их красотой.
ПерелетНые птицы давно уже улетели на юг.На грязНой от осенНего дождя земле толстым слоем лежат опавшие листья,заляпаННые этой грязью.Прохожие идут по неухоженным тропиНкам.Кое-где видны заморожеННые участки лужиц.Ведь ночНая температура уже ниже нуля.
Рябина стоит уже без прекрасНых листьев,с многочислеННыми гроздьями ягод.

нуна2019: неухожеННым.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: keshakaef29
UNIT 6 SOME, ANY, LOTS OF; COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS some positive > offers any negative questions lots of positive countable nouns We made some There is some milk cakes. in the kitchen. Would you like some apples? We didn't make any cakes. Are there any bananas? We've got lots of apples. butter? uncountable nouns milk. tomatoes? Would you like some water? There isn't any milk in the kitchen. Practice 1 Complete the sentences with any or some. 1 Is there 2 We've got 3 Are there, 4 Would you like 5 Has Mary got eggs? 6 There aren't people here. 2 Complete the conversation with some, any or lots of. Katie: OK, Mum, we've got ¹ 2 cake. Is there any milk in the kitchen? There's lots of bread. bananas? Mum: Let's put the party food on the table, Katie. What have we got in the kitchen? biscuits and Mum: Have we got oranges? Katie: No, we haven't. And we haven't got apples. Mum: What? No, look, Katie, there are apples here! There are 12! Katie: Oh yes, good! Have we got __juice? Mum: No, we haven't. We've got some lemonade. Katie: What about chocolate for the party games? Is there' chocolate in the kitchen? Mum: Oh no, there isn't. I've got here! in the bag PREPOSITIONS: ON, AT, FROM, UNTIL on + days and dates at + places from and until + times on Monday on Saturday on 12th March at my house at the park at our school Alice: from 9 o'clock until half past three Practice 3 Complete the conversation with at, on, from or until. George: Would you like to come to my party? Jenny: I'd love to. When is it? George: It's ¹ Alice: George: It's 2 18th July, that's next week. Where is it? my house. Alice: What time is the party? George: It's 8 o'clock 11 o'clock. Great! See you Thursday then.​
Предмет: Геометрия, автор: yaroslavsemenko2009