Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dff7fg

Variant 4

Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1) He __(remember) that he __(not/lock) the door. 2) I __(say) he __(write) the exercise last Monday. 3) The father __(want) to know who __(break) his favourite cup. 4) The students __(know) that we __(buy) a radio-set. 5) I __(come) late to school because I __(miss) the train. 6) When I __(arrive) at the party, Tom __already (go) home. 7) Her uncle __(say) that he __(lose) the key.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect.

1) My sister was glad because… 2) I couldn’t pass my exam because… 3) I didn’t go to Moscow because … 4) My friend couldn’t go to the party because…

Exercise 3. Join the sentences using Past Simple and Past Perfect.

1) The cat ate all the sausages. before We came home. (before)

2) I read the book. Mary came. (when)

3) I did my homework. I went out for a walk. (after)

4) I arrived at the party. My brother went home. (when)


Автор ответа: olya261295
Exercise 1
1) He remembered  that he had not locked the door. 2) I said he had written the exercise last Monday. 3) The father wanted to know who had broken his favourite cup. 4) The students knew that we had bought a radio-set. 5) I came late to school because I had missed the train. 6) When I arrived tot the party, Tom had already gone home. 7) Her uncle said that he had lost the key. 
Exercise 2
1. My sister was glad because she had already done her homework.
2. I could not pass my exam because I had not prepared for it.
3. I did not go to Moscow because I had lost my ticket to the train.
4. My friend could not go to the party because he had caught a cold.
Exercise 3
1) Before we came home the cat had eaten all the sausages.
2) When Mary came I had already read the book.
3) I went out for a walk after I had done my homework.
4) When I arrived to the party my brother had already gone home.
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