Предмет: Окружающий мир, автор: dnk148

пж ответьте на вопрос
1) сведения об индийском океане стали накапливаться со времён ?
2)первые измерения глубин океана провёл ?
3)первые упоминания об атлантическом океане встречаются в сочинениях древних негреческого историка ?
4)в поисках морского пути в индию?пересёк атлантический океан и открыл часть света Америку
5)комплексное изучение океана началось с экспедиции британского судна ?
6)самый суровый по природным условия? океан стал известен европейцам раньше самого большого ? океана
7)первый из европейцев пересёк тихий океан и дал ему название ?


Автор ответа: marusiksmir
1) со времён плавания Васко да Гамы
2) Магеллан
3) Геродот
4) Христофор Колумб
5) Дискавери
6) Северный Ледовитый
7) Магеллан
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Card 1. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our books'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1.How often do you read?

2.What's the name of the last book you read?

3. What's the best book you have ever read?

4.Do you think that the books are often better than films?

Card 2. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our books'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1.What kind of books do you like?

2. What is the worst book have you ever read?

3.Do you prefer to buy books or borrow them from the library?

4. Would you like to be a famous author?

Card 3. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our books'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1. Who's your favourite character?

2.Why do you like them?

3.Do you read in English or your in language?

4. How often do you go the library?

Card 4. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Holidays and Travel'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) Have you ever been abroad?

2) What countries have you already been?

3) Where are you going to next summer? Why?

4) Where would you like to go? Why?

5) Who would you like to go there with?

Card 5. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Holidays and Travel'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) What festivals do we celebrate in our Republic?

2) What is your favorite festival?

3) Why is this festival celebrated?

4) Does your family celebrate this festival?

5) Are there special foods connected with the festival?

Card 6. Discuss with your partner the topic Holidays and Travel'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) Are you afraid of going abroad alone?

2) Would you like to live in another country for the rest of your life?

3) What interesting places have you seen?

4) What was your best trip? Why? 5) What was your worst trip? Why?

Card 7. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Holidays and Travel'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk:

1) What is your favourite holiday?

2) What do you like to do during your holidays?

3) Who do you usually spend the holidays with?

4) Where do you like to go on holidays?

5) Do you think holidays are important? Why?