Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Аноним
Привет Олег.
Это Ваня, как у тебя дела? Извини, что так долго не писал, просто не было времени. Я слышал, что у тебя проблемы с учёбой. Давай как-нибудь встретимся, и я тебя познакомлю со своим другом, он поможет тебе с учебой.
Я тебе пишу по делу, и хочу тебя пригласить на Новый Год. В виде управляющего, а не гостя. Я бы хотел, чтобы мы сделали сюрприз всем гостям. Например, сделать вечеринку, а не просто сидеть за столом и молча есть. Украсить квартиру, а лучше устроить вечеринку на даче с шашлыком и костром. Будем рассказывать друг другу истории из жизни. Я хочу пригласить Олю, Никиту, Даню, Ксюшу и Диму. А кого хочешь пригласить ты? Нужно купить много всяких вкусностей, например: напитки, чипсы, торты, мясо и овощи для шашлыка и многое другое. Надо придумать, как всё это организовать. Я куплю украшения: огоньки,елку, игрушки для ёлки и др. И всем этим я украшу дачу. А ты должен пригласить интересных гостей на дачу. Ну, мы ещё все обудим при встрече.
Ладно, у меня больше нет времени писать, так как мне надо делать домашнее задание. И успехов тебе в учебе.
Твой друг,
Автор ответа:
Hi Oleg.
This is Vanya, how are you doing? I'm sorry I did not write for so long, I just did not have time. I heard that you have problems with your studies. Let's meet sometime, and I'll introduce you to my friend, he will help you with your studies.
I'm writing to you on business, and I want to invite you to the New Year. In the form of a manager, not a guest. I would like us to surprise all the guests. For example, make a party, and not just sit at the table and silently eat. Decorate the apartment, and it is better to have a party at the cottage with a barbecue and a fire. We will tell each other stories from life. I want to invite Olya, Nikita, Danu, Ksenia and Dima. And whom do you want to invite? You need to buy a lot of all goodies, for example: drinks, chips, cakes, meat and vegetables for shish kebab and much more. We need to figure out how to organize all this. I'll buy ornaments: lights, a Christmas tree, toys for a tree, etc. And I will decorate the dacha with all this. And you should invite interesting guests to the dacha. Well, we'll still get everything fixed when we meet.
Okay, I do not have time to write anymore, since I have to do my homework. And success in your studies.
Your friend,
This is Vanya, how are you doing? I'm sorry I did not write for so long, I just did not have time. I heard that you have problems with your studies. Let's meet sometime, and I'll introduce you to my friend, he will help you with your studies.
I'm writing to you on business, and I want to invite you to the New Year. In the form of a manager, not a guest. I would like us to surprise all the guests. For example, make a party, and not just sit at the table and silently eat. Decorate the apartment, and it is better to have a party at the cottage with a barbecue and a fire. We will tell each other stories from life. I want to invite Olya, Nikita, Danu, Ksenia and Dima. And whom do you want to invite? You need to buy a lot of all goodies, for example: drinks, chips, cakes, meat and vegetables for shish kebab and much more. We need to figure out how to organize all this. I'll buy ornaments: lights, a Christmas tree, toys for a tree, etc. And I will decorate the dacha with all this. And you should invite interesting guests to the dacha. Well, we'll still get everything fixed when we meet.
Okay, I do not have time to write anymore, since I have to do my homework. And success in your studies.
Your friend,
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