Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mashashuuuuu

Прошу помощи в написании эссе по английскому на тему межличностных отношений то есть проблемы отцов и детей говорят. Ничего в голову н приходит((очень нужно к завтрашнему дню


Автор ответа: Lena74578
The problem of fathers and childrenThere is nothing more sad than the depth of misunderstanding that has developed between the parent and his child. At a certain moment in the life of a small man comes a period when his views, the vision of the world is in conflict with his father's views. As a consequence, both respect and authority to the parent are lost. It is not excluded that the child begins to feel hatred and hostility towards them. As a result, anyone becomes the teacher of his life, but not the people who gave him life.Fathers and children: the cause of the problem of generationsThe most important source of various misunderstandings and conflicts is the time gap between the two generations. This misunderstanding arises between individuals with an age difference. These problem nuances can continue not only the entire complex adolescent period, but also all life. Proceeding from this, psychologists divide them into the age stages. And regardless of this, the problem of the relationship between fathers and children is the desire of the latter to freedom.
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