Предмет: Русский язык, автор: ксюш4

фанетический разбор слова папенька


Автор ответа: gramasha


папенька — слово из 3 слогов: па-пень-ка. Ударение падает на 1-й слог.
Транскрипция слова: [пап’ин’ка]

п — [п] — согласный, парный глухой, парный твёрдый
а — [а] — гласный, ударный
п — [п’] — согласный, парный глухой, парный мягкий
е — [и] — гласный, безударный
н — [н’] — согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный мягкий
ь — не обозначает звука
к — [к] — согласный, парный глухой, парный твёрдый
а — [а] — гласный, безударный

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Task 18. Translate the following sentences. State the meaning of the verb will
1. It is I who don't refuse to marry him. I will marry him.
2. I will always know the things I want to know. 3. She didn't tell them to send me away, she would speak to me.
4. I will see him again, I care that he may starve.
5. I will live a great deal of days after you.
6. I would contradict you those days.
7. We will begin with page fourteen.
8. I will not say that we are disillusioned, but I will say that we are distressed.
9. We will receive him, if he will be so kind as to wait a few minutes.
10. He would continue his painting, it was the only road he knew.

Task 19. Use will to express your volition/intention....
1. to keep to the point;
2. to get them ready;
3. to be home for supper;
4. to accept money from him;
5. to break the engagement;
6. to go out in the afternoon to the party:
7. to speak to him.

Task 20. Complete the sentences below using will in the conditional clause to express volition, intention.

e.g.: tell you, if you will only let me get a word in.

1. I'll take to the theatre...
2. It'll be better if...
3. You may borrow this sum of money from me if...
4. He will do this again if...
5. I'm on the point of telling you the truth if...
6. I should invite you for my wedding if...

Task 21. Respond to the following sentences using the modal verb will to express an

eg.: The car looks so dirty that it's unpleasant to use. Oh, I'll clean it in a minute.

1. The sink is full of dirty dishes.

2. Why are the children still undressed?

3. There is such a mess in the bedroom.

4. This letter is very important and you haven't written it yet.

5. Your sister is waiting for your phone call and you haven't called her yet.

6. There are so many mistakes in this article.

7. The guests are coming in a minute but the meal hasn't been cooked yet.

Refusal to perform an action

Task 22. Task Translate the following sentences. State the meaning of the verb will.

1. She won't speak. She lies on her back quite quietly. She doesn't move for hours.

2. I won't see her. Nothing will induce me to see her.

3. No, thank you, I won't have any more tea..

4. I would not hurt her feelings for the world then.

5. Oh, I would not tease you in that situation.

6. I will not go till you listen to me.

7. We would not blame him whatever he did.

8. I will not go to school or take a senseless job.

9. She would not stand any nonsense.

10. I do hate fuss. I will not bare it.
Предмет: История, автор: ivanchuna87