Предмет: Геометрия, автор: Arsenicum1

Размеры Тунгусского Метеорита


Автор ответа: Tamberg
Кусок льда примерно 50м. Может чуть больше. Но он весь сгорел во время падения, и на землю упала лишь малая часть.
Автор ответа: begzodmirzaev

Тунгусский метеорит вызвал взрывную волну, которой в радиусе около 40 км был повален лес, уничтожены звери, пострадали люди. Его размер составлял 30 метров. Из‑за мощной световой вспышки Тунгусского взрыва и потока раскаленных газов возник лесной пожар, довершивший опустошение района. На огромном пространстве, ограниченном с востока Енисеем, с юга – линией «Ташкент – Ставрополь – Севастополь – север Италии – Бордо», с запада – атлантическим побережьем Европы, развернулись небывалые по масштабу и совершенно необычные световые явления, вошедшие в историю под названием «светлых ночей лета 1908 года». Облака, образовавшиеся на высоте около 80 км, интенсивно отражали солнечные лучи, тем самым создавая эффект светлых ночей даже там, где их прежде не наблюдали. На всей этой гигантской территории вечером 30 июня практически не наступила ночь: весь небосвод светился (можно было в полночь читать газету без искусственного освещения). Это явление продолжалось несколько ночей.

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Предмет: Математика, автор: roflitnenado
Read the text "My family".

I have a large family. My father is 57. He works as an engineer at a plant. My mother is 55. She works part-time as a nurse. My younger brother is a student of economics. He is going to graduate next year. I also have an older sister. She is married and lives with her family in an apartment house not far from us. They often visit us. Her daughter Lena, my niece, is a very talented girl. She plays the piano and writes interesting poems.

I am married. My wife Olga is a schoolteacher. She teaches mathematics. We have two children, a boy and a girl. My son Victor is six years old, and my daughter Anna is three years old. They go to a kindergarten near our house. My wife picks them up on her way home from work and takes a long walk with them in the park. My mother looks after the children when we work late, and my mother-in-law takes care of them on Saturdays.

We live in a large house with a nice garden. There is enough room for all of us, and I even have my own study in the attic. It is small, but I like it. There is a table with my computer on it, a chair, and a book shelf. I spend a lot of time there working with my papers and studying English.

We have a lot of relatives. My aunt and two uncles live in a small town about 60 kilometers from my hometown. Their children, my cousins, are about my age, and we communicate often. Every year the whole family gets together for Christmas. We prepare a huge Christmas dinner, and there are a lot of presents for everyone.

Choose true or false:

1. The writer has a big family.


2. The writer spends a lot of time there working with his/her papers and studying English.


3. The writer says that they prepare a huge Christmas dinner, and there are a lot of presents for everyone.
