Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Qwiq

Change the following sentences (statements, general and special questions,
requests and commands) into indirect speech.

6. The boy said to his mother, 'I didn't go to the cinema. I stayed at home and had
finished doing all the exercises by the time father came.'
7. The children asked the teacher, 'Shall we go to the Zoo, if it is a nice day?' 8. My
friend asked, 'Did you go to the new exhibition yester
day?' 9. The professor said to the young man, 'Where have you studied English all these
years?' 10. Father said, 'Don't forget to close the window before you leave. It's windy
outsider. 11. Mom said, 'However much you may pretend, I know your true feelings.' 12. The student was upset by the
teacher's reaction and asked, 'Do you consider my question to be foolish?' 13. He smiled
and said, 'I hope that the knowledge of what he has done will help you.' 14. Jane asked,
'Have you made all the necessary arrangements for the trip?' 15. Grandma said, 'Don't
forget to peel the potatoes at six.'


Автор ответа: nunny
6. The boy said to his mother that he had not been to the cinema but stayed at home and had finished doing all the exercises by the time father came.
7. The children asked the teacher if they would be taken to the Zoo if it were a nice day.
8. My friend asked me if I had been to the new exhibition the previous day.
9. The professor asked the young man where he had studied English all those
10. Father told them not to forget to close the window before they left because it was windy outside.
11. Mom said that however much they might pretend, she knew their true feelings.
12. The student was upset by the teacher's reaction and asked if
the teacher considered his/her question to be foolish.
13. He smiled and said that he hoped that the knowledge of what he had done would help them.
14. Jane wanted to know if they had made all the necessary arrangements for the trip.
15. Grandma told them not to forget to peel the potatoes at six.

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В Вчись не до старости, а до смерті.
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Б Я не люблю нещасних.
В Буду я навчатися мови золотої.
Г Дарина спекла рака й знітилася.
Д У селі було пусто й тихо.
19. Прочитайте речення.
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Кому потрібно ставити на місці всіх цифр, ОКРІМ
А1 Б2 В3 Г4 Д5
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А Могутність мови могутність народу.
Б Кров людська не водиця.
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Г Працювати насолода для душі.
Д Нічим не турбуватися значить не жити.
Предмет: География, автор: maznikovamasa