Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

Помогите пожалуйсто! Очень надо если не сдам выгонят( НАДО перевести на английский!
а)2.1.вчера было тепло,хотя шел дождь.
2.в прошлую среду было ветрено,но ясно.
3.вчера вечером дул сильный ветер и было холодно.
4.вчера утром не было солнца.
5.три дня тому назад был лёгкий туман,но было тепло.
6.на прошлой неделе шел снег. морозило.
б) наступила осень.Дни стали короче.Много облачных,ненастных дней с ливнями.А совсем недавно было тепло и сухо,светило солнце и дни были ясными.В прошлое  воскресенье я гулял по лесу и слушал пение птиц. А сейчас я сижу за письменным столом и делаю уроки. Но я люблю осень и люблю школу. В этом году я буду опять учить английский язык.



Автор ответа: helperinenglish
1.Yesterday it  was warm, even though it was raining.
2. Last Wednesday, it was windy, but clear.
3.Yesterday  in the evening, a strong wind was blowing and it was cold.
4. Yesterday in the morning there was no sun.
или it was not sunny.
5.Three days ago, there was a light mist, but it was warm.
6. Last week it was snowing. It was freezing.
b) It is autumn. Days became shorter. There are a lot of  cloudy, rainy days with heavy shower .Not long ago it was warm and dry, the sun was shining and the days were clear .Last Sunday I was walking in the forest  and listening to birds singing. And now I am sitting behind a desk and doing my homework. But I love autumn and love school. This year I will learn the English  again.
Автор ответа: Janna127
1) It was warm yesterday although it rained 
2) It was windy last Wednesday but clear.
3) It was cold last night and a wind blew very hard.
 4) It was not sunny yesterday morning. 
5) It was a little foggy three days ago but warm 
6)It was snowing last week and freezing 
7)Autumn came.
The days are shorter now. It is cloudy and rainy these days. It was very warm and dry, the sun shined and the days were clear and bright until recently. Last Sunday I went for a walk in a forest and listened to the bird songs and now I am sitting at the desk and doing my homework. But I love autumn time and school. I will learn English this year again

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