Предмет: Русский язык, автор: ArBuSiK1212

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Автор ответа: PelmeLLlka
в нашем киоске продаются очень интересные книги, познавательные журналы и газеты с кроссвордами на последней странице.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mar5imarig
Charlie Chaplin was the first and the greatest movie star of all time. He was born in London in 1889 in the family of two music hall performers. His parents taught him to sing and dance, and by the age of seven he was already appearing regularly on the stage. At the age of twenty-four an American producer offered him a film contract. From the very beginning his films were successful, his popularity grew. In 1917, he was paid 1 million dollars for eight movies of 20 minutes without sound.

The absence of sound in the motion pictures of that period may have contributed to Chaplin’s popularity. Since he spoke no language on the screen, people from different countries could easily watch his films.

The most significant factor in Chaplin’s popularity was the character he portrayed in his films. The Little Fellow expressed joy and sorrow, dreams and frustrations that everyone experiences in life. Equally important was the fact that Chaplin expressed these things with humor and he made people laugh nearly every second. His best movies are City Lights, Modern Times and The Gold Rush.

Ironically, The Little Fellow was created quite by accident, when the director of the motion picture suggested that Chaplin come up with something that would make the movie funnier. “I thought I would dress in baggy pants, big shoes and a derby hat,” Chaplin explained later in his autobiography. “I wanted everything to be a contradiction: the pants baggy, the coat tight, the hat small, the shoes large.” He wore a comical false moustache and one of the most famous characters in his history of motion pictures was born — Charlie Chaplin as The Little Fellow.

Mark statements 1–5 True, False or Doesn’t say according to the text.

He was born in London in 1889 in the family of two teachers. ____________
The Little Fellow expressed the joy and sorrow, the dreams and frustrations that everyone experiences in life. ___________
His best movies are City Lights, Modern Times and The Gold Rush. ___________
The Little Fellow was created on purpose. ___________
The motion pictures were silent so that people from different countries could understand them. ___________
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: HGHGHGHGHGJGJGJ
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Текст 1
Это (не)выдум..(н,нн)ая а пр..вдивая история. Я (н..)кого (не)обман..ваю: ч..сы пр..били тр..на..цать!

Старые(пр..старые) ч..сы доставши..ся(3) отцу от прадеда служили верно. Ра(з/с) в го(д/т) отец ост..рожно снимал их со ст..ны и(з/с)вл..кая из футляра п..утину. Он прот..рал ч..сы и проч..щал гуси(н,нн)..м п..ром веш..л обратно и радос..но сиял. У меня была (много)летн..я пр..выч..ка: когда б..ют ч..сы, сч..тать удары. Однажды ч..сы пробили тр..на..цать.

Ты (не)ошиба..ш..ся Борис спраш..ва..т отец. Он подход..т к ч..сам в(з/с)б..рает..ся на (не)высокий табурет к..сает..ся какого(то) к..лёсика. Отец вн..мательно осматр..ва..т насте(н,нн)ые ч..сы и пр..слушива..тся (к)ним.(4) Тёмно(ж..лтый) маятник проделыва..т д..кови(н,нн)ые номера и отец пр..веш..вает гири: две б..л..шие и одну мал..н..кую. Отец отлич..ный мастер. Ч..сы наш.. снова(2) точны.