Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Vbkfz123

Выписать все глаголы Who was the 'Queen of Crime'? Agatha Christie, of course, the world's best known mystery writer. Agatha Christie was born in Devon, England in 1890, and she created many fictional detectives. The most famous are Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Hercule Poirot is a Belgian detective, famous for his neat appearance, his obsession with order and his use of psychology in his investigations of crimes. Miss Marple, on the other hand, is nothing like a typical detective. At first glance she is an ordinary old lady who loves knitting and gossip but she can solve the hardest of mysteries and puts many criminals behind bars! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh/1 —* Scotland in 1859. He studied medicine at I the University of Edinburgh. It was one of his professors that inspired him to create the most brilliant detective ever, Sherlock Holmes. Holmes' extraordinary powers of j observation help him solve the most mysterious cases with ' the help of his faithful companion, Dr Watson. Holmes is very logical and extremely intelligent. He wears a cape and hat, smokes a pipe and uses a magnifying glass. Jules Verne lived in Nantes - on the west coast of France. He loved the sea, and when he was only 12, he tried to run away on a ship to the West Indies. Unfortunately for him, the sailors caught him and sent him home. Jules had a great imagination and wrote several adventure st and created mysterious characters like Captain Nemo. In Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Captain Nemo travels under the sea in his submarine, the Nautilus. On his journeys he meets strange sea creatures and finds an underwater city. выписать глаголы


Автор ответа: sladkayavikulyowzmvb
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Who was the 'Queen of Crime'? Agatha Christie, of course, the world's best known mystery writer. Agatha Christie was born in Devon, England in 1890, and she created many fictional detectives. The most famous are Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Hercule Poirot is a Belgian detective, famous for his neat appearance, his obsession with order and his use of psychology in his investigations of crimes. Miss Marple, on the other hand, is nothing like a typical detective. At first glance she is an ordinary old lady who loves knitting and gossip but she can solve the hardest of mysteries and puts many criminals behind bars! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh/1 —* Scotland in 1859. He studied medicine at I the University of Edinburgh. It was one of his professors that inspired him to create the most brilliant detective ever, Sherlock Holmes. Holmes' extraordinary powers of j observation help him solve the most mysterious cases with ' the help of his faithful companion, Dr Watson. Holmes is very logical and extremely intelligent. He wears a cape and hat, smokes a pipe and uses a magnifying glass. Jules Verne lived in Nantes - on the west coast of France. He loved the sea, and when he was only 12, he 
tried to run away on a ship to the West Indies. Unfortunately for him, the sailors caught him and sent him home. Jules had a great imagination and wrote several adventure st and created mysterious characters like Captain Nemo. In Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Captain Nemo travels under the sea in his submarine, the Nautilus. On his journeys he meets strange sea creatures and finds an underwater city.

sladkayavikulyowzmvb: was
sladkayavikulyowzmvb: was born
sladkayavikulyowzmvb: created, are, is, loves, can, puts, was born, studied
sladkayavikulyowzmvb: was, inspired, to create, help, wears, smokes
sladkayavikulyowzmvb: uses, lived
sladkayavikulyowzmvb: loved, was, tried, to run, caught, sent
sladkayavikulyowzmvb: had, wrote, created, travels, meets, finds
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Предмет: Обществознание, автор: Bernathrix
1 )
Конечное потребление благ людьми без продолжения процесса производства продукции —

1 непроизводственное потребление
2 коммерческое потребление
3 конечное потребление
2)Верны ли следующие суждения?

2) А. Чем большую часть средств население тратит на питание, тем выше уровень благосостояния в стране.
Б. Потребности людей в разнообразных товарах и услугах на протяжении веков остаются неизменными.

1) верно только А;
2) верно только Б;
3) верны оба суждения;
4) оба суждения неверны.
3) Прочитай приведённый ниже текст, в котором пропущен ряд слов. Выбери из предлагаемого списка слова, которые необходимо вставить на место пропусков. Слова в списке даны в именительном падеже. Каждое слово (словосочетание) может быть использовано только один раз. Обрати внимание на то, что слов в списке больше, чем тебе потребуется для заполнения пропусков.

Информация о товаре в обязательном порядке должна содержать: сведения об основных потребительских ________ (1) товара, а в отношении продуктов питания — сведения о составе, пищевой ценности, назначении, об условиях применения и хранения продуктов питания, ______ (2) в рублях и условия приобретения товара, правила и условия эффективного и ______ (3) его использования; срок службы или _____ (4) товара, а также сведения о необходимых действиях потребителя по истечении указанных сроков и возможных последствиях при невыполнении таких действий, если товары (работы) по истечении указанных сроков представляют опасность для жизни, здоровья и _______ (5) потребителя или становятся непригодными для использования по назначению.

а) имущество;
б) использование;
в) цена;
г) безопасный;
д) производитель;
ж) товар;
з) потребитель;
и) срок годности;
к) свойство.