Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Двоичник13
Люди! Помогите безмозглому балвану! Нужно придумать описание книги,естественно на английском. Придумать то я придумал,а вот перевести...
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Доводилось ли вам когда-нибудь путешествовать во времени? Нет? А вот нашем героям посчастливилось в буквальном смысле попродить по ленте времени,узнавая много нового из жизни своих предшественников.
Все началось с самого простого урока истории,в школе номер пять. Шестиклассникам было задано описать временные события на ленте времени,что сделать ребята затруднялись. Компания друзей после недолгих раздумий решает идти за советом к старшим,но те к сожалению не в силах им помочь. Тогда один из друзей проговаривается,что у его дяди в подвале дома таится секретные проект, который наверняка может им выполнить домашние задание. Однако то самое изобретение оказалось вовсе не готово к использованию и по ошибке друзей разбросало в разные области земного шара,в совершенно разных временных датах. Кто-то оказался среди шумного веселья рыцарского турнира,кто-то стал свидетелем дворцовых переворотов,а кто-то и вовсе понаблюдал за нашими первобытными родственниками. Какие приключения их ждут и как выпутаются друзья из этой неприятной истории?
Автор ответа:
Have you ever traveled in time? No? But our heroes were lucky enough to literally wander through the tape of time, learning many new things from the life of their predecessors.
It all started with the simplest lesson in history, at school number five. The sixth-graders were asked to describe the temporary events on the tape of time, which made it difficult for the children to do it. The company of friends after a few reflections decides to go for advice to the elders, but unfortunately they are unable to help them. Then one of the friends utters that his uncle in the basement of the house hides a secret project, which probably can fulfill their homework. However, the very invention was not at all ready for use and mistakenly scattered friends around the globe, at completely different time frames. Someone was among the noisy fun of the knightly tournament, someone witnessed palace coups, and some people at all watched our primitive relatives. What kind of adventures are waiting for them and how to get rid of friends from this unpleasant story?
It all started with the simplest lesson in history, at school number five. The sixth-graders were asked to describe the temporary events on the tape of time, which made it difficult for the children to do it. The company of friends after a few reflections decides to go for advice to the elders, but unfortunately they are unable to help them. Then one of the friends utters that his uncle in the basement of the house hides a secret project, which probably can fulfill their homework. However, the very invention was not at all ready for use and mistakenly scattered friends around the globe, at completely different time frames. Someone was among the noisy fun of the knightly tournament, someone witnessed palace coups, and some people at all watched our primitive relatives. What kind of adventures are waiting for them and how to get rid of friends from this unpleasant story?
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