Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ilola8885

Помогите переделать предложения в косвеную речь:Bob says:My school is nice.I like to go to school.2)Nick says:I don't like doing homework.3)Mary says:We will have a new subject-French.4)Jonn says:I like school but I hate reading a lot.5)The teacher says:This year we have to wear a uniform.6)Boys say:We will have a new student.7)Jane says:I don't like to get up early.8)Susan says:I am sorry that it is our last year at school.9)Mike says:I am going to visit our first teacher.10)Mary says:I have got many interesting subjects


Автор ответа: lxyla
1.Bob says that his school is nice.He likes to go to school.
2.Nick says that he doesn't like doing homework.
3.Mary says that they would have a new subject-French.
4.Jonn says that he likes school but he hates reading a lot.
5.the teacher says that this year they  have to wear a uniform.
6.Boys says that they would have a new student.
7.Jane says that he doesn't like to get up early.
8.Susan says  she is sorry that it is their last year at school
9.Mike says that he is going to visit their first teacher.
10.Mary says that he have got many interesting subjects
Автор ответа: Juliyasha11
Косвенная речь в настоящем
1.Bob says that his school is nice and adds he likes to go to school.
2.Nick says that he doesn't like doing homework.
3.Mary says that they will have a new subject-French.
4.Jonn says that he likes school but he hates reading a lot.
5.The teacher says that this year they have to wear a uniform.
6.Boys says that they will have a new student.
7.Jane says that she doesn't like to get up early.
8.Susan says she is sorry that it is their last year at school
9.Mike says that he is going to visit their first teacher.
10.Mary says that she has got many interesting subjects.

Косвенная речь в прошедшем
1.Bob said that his school was nice and added he liked to go to school.
2.Nick said that he didn't like doing homework.
3.Mary said that they would have a new subject-French.
4.Jonn said that he liked school but he hated reading a lot.
5.The teacher said that that year they had to wear a uniform.
6.Boys said that they would have a new student.
7.Jane said that she didn't like to get up early.
8.Susan said she was sorry that it was their last year at school.
9.Mike said that he was going to visit their first teacher.
10.Mary said that she had got many interesting subjects.
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1 Восстание под руководством Степана Разина началось
1) в 1649 г.
2) в 1670 г.
3) в 1667 г.
4) в 1675 г.
2. Установите соответствие между событием и датой: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) введение Соборного уложения
Б) ссылка боярина Б. Морозова
В) казнь протопопа Аввакума
1) 1666 г.
2) 1649 г.
3) 1648 г.
4) 1682 г.
3.Причиной народных выступлений в XVII в. было недовольство
1) царской властью
2) отменой местничества
3) введением опричнины
4) ограничением казачьих вольностей
4. Карательную экспедицию против войск С. Разина возглавил
1) Б. Морозов
2) Ю. Барятинский
3) Л. Плещеев
4) Н. Одоевский
5.Расположите в хронологической последовательности следующие события. Запи¬шите цифры, которыми обозначены события, в правильной последовательности.
1) захват разинцами Царицына
2 введение бессрочного сыска беглых
3) появление старообрядцев
4) ) «поход за зипунами»
6. Установите соответствие между событиями и датами.
А) принятие Соборного уложения
Б) Медный бунт
В) первый этап восстания Степана Разина
Г) Соляной бунт
1) 1649 г.
2) 1667-1669 гг.
3) 1662 г.
4) 1648 г.
7. Восстание 1668-1676 гг. было вызвано
1) борьбой за старые обряды
2) введением новой пошлины на соль
3) введением новых налогов на иностранные товары
4) запрещением грабить персидские суда
8. Медный бунт вспыхнул
1) в 1648 г.
2) в 1662 г.
3) в 1669 г.
4) в 1671 г.
9.Уничтожение всех бояр и дворянства ставили своей целью
1) восставшие Соловецкого монастыря
2) восставшие под руководством С. Разина
3) участники «похода за зипунами»
4) старообрядцы
10 Чуваши, марийцы, татары, мордва участвовали
1) в восстании старообрядцев
2) в восстании разинцев
3) в Соляном бунте
4) в Московском восстании