Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: БогданАнонимус
Переведите текст с украинского на англиский
- Здрастуй, Богдан!
- Привіт, Сашко! Радий тебе зустріти!
- І я так само радий! Ну, розповідай, як провів літні канікули?
- О, я провів їх дуже цікаво. Я з матусею їздив відпочивати до бабусі.
- Справді? А де живе твоя бабуся?
- В Бердичеві. Я навіть ходив рибалити!
- Щось упіймав?
- Ні, не повезло.
- А потім ви щось ще робили?
- Так, я не був ціле літо у бабусі. Потім я поїхав з мамою додому та розважався з друзями! Так що я все про себе та про себе! Ти як провів літо, друже?
- Я теж провів його вдома. Але не нудьгував.
- Чим же ти займався цілих три місяці?
- Катався на велосипеді, з хлопцями грав у різні ігри. Футбол, баскетбол, волейбол.
- І все?
- Ще я книжки читав, фантастику. Адже в мене багато часу було. Тепер я спеціаліст з цього жанру.
- Ну, тоді розповіси мені, що прочитав. Ти згодний, Сашко?
- Згоден!
Автор ответа:
Hello, Bogdan!
- Hello, Sasha! Glad to meet you!
- And I'm so glad! Well, tell me how I spent my summer holidays?
- Oh, I spent them very interesting. I went to my grandmother to relax with my grandmother.
- Indeed? And where is your grandmother living?
- In Berdichev. I even went fishing!
- Caught something?
- No, not lucky.
- And then you did something else?
- Yes, I have not had a whole summer at my grandmother. Then I went home with my mother and have fun with my friends! So I'm all about myself and myself! How did you spend the summer, friend?
- I also spent it at home. But not bored.
- What did you do for the whole three months?
- Riding a bike, playing with the boys in different games. Football, basketball, volleyball.
- And that's all?
- I still read books, science fiction. After all, I had a lot of time. Now I'm a specialist in this genre.
- Well, then tell me what you read. Do you agree, Sasha?
- Agree!
- Hello, Sasha! Glad to meet you!
- And I'm so glad! Well, tell me how I spent my summer holidays?
- Oh, I spent them very interesting. I went to my grandmother to relax with my grandmother.
- Indeed? And where is your grandmother living?
- In Berdichev. I even went fishing!
- Caught something?
- No, not lucky.
- And then you did something else?
- Yes, I have not had a whole summer at my grandmother. Then I went home with my mother and have fun with my friends! So I'm all about myself and myself! How did you spend the summer, friend?
- I also spent it at home. But not bored.
- What did you do for the whole three months?
- Riding a bike, playing with the boys in different games. Football, basketball, volleyball.
- And that's all?
- I still read books, science fiction. After all, I had a lot of time. Now I'm a specialist in this genre.
- Well, then tell me what you read. Do you agree, Sasha?
- Agree!
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