Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Kudk

Вводный тест по английскому языку

1. Выберите правильную форму глагола

1.1 ——— your name Joe?

a) does, b) is, c) are;

1.2 ——— any women in the room?

a) there is, b) are there, c) is there;

1.3 Benny ——— four sisters.

a) have god, b) have, c) has got;

1.4 Tomorrow morning Helen ——— at 7 o’clock.

a) wakes up, b) wake up, c) will wake up;

1.5 What colour ——— your new car?

a) does, b) has, c) is;

1.6 Yesterday we ——— to the concert.

a) go, b) went, c) gone;

1.7 Five hundred years ago, they ——— tea.

a) drink no, b)drank no, c) did not drink;

1.8 I ——— tennis when I was your age.

a) play, b) played, c) plays;

1.9 Annie ——— a new, red sweater a few days ago.

a) bought, b) buy, c) has bought;

1.10 ——— you be at school tomorrow?

a) do, b) are, c) will;

1.11 He ——— his first world title fight when he was 25.

a) has won, b) won, c) wins;

1.12 Betty ——— her sister since last year.

a) did not see, b) has not seen, c) saw;

1.13 They ——— football every day on holidays.

a) hasn’t played, b) didn’t play, c) doesn’t play;

1.14 ——— you ever ——— abroad?

a) have … been, b) were … -, c) are … being;

1.15 If you ——— slower, I ——— what you say.

a) will speak … will understand, b) will speak … understand,

c) speak … will understand;

1.16 Look! The dog ——— your ice-cream.

a) is eating, b) eats, c) eat;

1.17 - Have you seen “ Swan Lake” before?

- I ——— it three years ago.

a) have seen, b) saw, c) see;

1.18 - Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

- Well, I think, I ——— to stay at home and read “Alice in Wonderland”.

a) will go, b) go, c) am going;

1.19 We’re going to have a party on Sunday. ——— you come?

a) will, b) do, c) have;

1.20 It ——— Sunday yesterday and the students ——— to school.

a) were, didn’t go, b) was; didn’t go c) is, hasn’t gone;

1.21 ——— you ——— enough money to buy this player? It’s rather expensive.

a) has … got, b) are … having, c) have … got;

1.22 Why ——— you absent yesterday? The test was quite easy.

a) did, b) were, c) was;

1.23 He ——— you wanted to see him.

a) didn’t know, b) don’t know, c) hasn’t know;

1.24 What ——— you ——— ? – A letter.

a) do … write, b) is … writing, c) are … writing;

1.25 How long ——— she ——— Drian?

a) does … know, b) has … known, c) do … know.

2. Вставьте нужный артикль там, где это необходимо

a) a, b) an, c) the, d) no article.

2.1 “What does your mother do?” “She is ——— doctor.”

2.2 She is ——— woman who wrote that article about dogs.

2.3 In the morning, we ate ——— breakfast and went to school.

2.4 Sally doesn’t like ——— chocolate.

2.5 Her birthday is on ——— first day of spring.

3. Выберите правильную форму степени сравнения


3.1 she is much ——— than her sister.

a) young, b) younger, c) youngest;

3.2 I can speak English ——— that you.

a) good, b) better, c) the best;

3.3 This book is ——— one in the store.

a) expensive, b) more expensive, c) the most expensive;

3.4 Cherry’s marks are ——— that mine.

a) bad, b) the worst, c) worse;

3.5 I am as ——— as a lion.

a) strong, b) stronger, c) the strongest.

4. Вставьте предлог, где это необходимо

4.1 My birthday is ——— next Monday.

a) on, b) in, c) - ;

4.2 The concert will start ——— half an hour.

a) in, b) at, c) between;

4.3 I think, it is going to rain ——— this afternoon.

a) -, b) in, c) at;

4.4 Simon is going ——— Cambridge on the 1st of September.

a) in, b) to, c) at;

4.5 He has always been good ——— maths and physics.

a) in, b) about, c) at;

4.6 Are you interested ——— music and arts?

a) by, b) in, c) with;

4.7 My mother was born ——— April 30, 1943.

a) in, b) at, c) on;

4.8 When is he coming back ——— home?

a) to, b) -, c) at.

5. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке

5.1 you play younger were football did you when?

5.2 here if I sit do mind you?

5.3 Saturday my came on Susan see to friend me.

5.4 garden isn’t snow there any in the.

5.5 are sofa a and beds there room two in my.

6. В каком из следующих слов отличается от остальных звук,


1. буквой “о”:

a) phone, b) know, c) sorry, d) zero, e) no

2. буквой “a”:

a) age, d) make, c) map, d) tape, e) lake

3. буквой “s”:

a) six, b) miss, c) house, d) busy, e) bus

4. буквосочетанием “th”:

a) thin, b) thick, c) bath, d) bathe, e) path

5. буквосочетанием “ir”:

a) first, b) fire, c) girl, d) bird, e) shirt


Автор ответа: galina572319



























1-a 2 - the 3-0 4-0 5 - the


1 - b 2 - b 3 - с 4 - с 5 - а


1 - с

2- а

3- а

4- b

5- c

6- b

7- c

8- b


1 Did you play football when you were younger?

2 Do you mind if I sit here?

3 My friend Susan came to see me on Saturday.

4 There isn't any snow in the garden.

5 There are two beds and a sofa in my room.


1- с (sorry) 2- с (map) 3- d (busy) 4- в (bathe) 5-b (fire)

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