Предмет: Русский язык, автор: aleks294

предложение с офицыальным стилеи


Автор ответа: darkmirrorr
Прошу Вас предоставить мне недельный отпуск для поездки домой по семейным обстоятельствам. Прилагаю письмо с сообщением о болезни моей матери
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lgog68135
даю 40 б

Vocabulary Describing holidays
2 Look at the adverts quickly and choose the best answer.
1 The texts are all
1 Read Beth's email to her friend about her holiday. Complete the text with the words below.
traffic jams exciting visited delayed delicious food relax accommodation lots of fun✓ sunburnt food poisoning
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Holiday in Italy
Hi there Julia,
How are you? I just got back from the best holiday ever! I went to Venice in Italy with my aunt and uncle and my 1 two cousins. We had lots of fun. Venice is the most 2 the world, I think. We ³ many interesting places. Our city in SO
was great, it was a little hotel on one of the canals. There are no cars in the city. Everyone travels on foot or by special boats called gondolas - and there are no 5 ! Some
days we just sat in St Mark's Square.
It's a great place to have a coffee and The weather was great and I am a little 7 The food was wonderful! I think it's the most 8
in the world.
Melanie, my cousin, tried all the food.
One day we thought she had but it was just too many ice-creams and pizza! On the way home the flight was 10 for three hours but I didn't mind. I met a fantastic Italian guy called Paolo at the airport and we are going to keep in touch. How was your holiday?
a announcements. b adverts. c invitations. 3 Read the adverts again and match four of the sentences
below to the gaps a-d in the texts. There is one extra
1 This is the perfect holiday accommodation for all the family.
2 There are hot showers and a big barbecue area.
3 Do you worry about lost luggage or delayed flights? 4 You can book online or by phone - see below for details.
5 There are many interesting places to visit in the area.
4 Read the texts again and answer the questions. 1 How much is the cheapest flight to Europe?
2 Where can you find more information about flights?
3 Which three places can you go to in the centre of town near the Seaview Hotel?
4 Can you eat out near the hotel?
5 What do you do on the Windsor Castle excursion?
6 How many days is the excursion to Alton Towers?
7 How long does it take to get from the campsite to Edinburgh by car?
8 What is there for children at the campsite?
flight? a
Do you hate waiting at the check-in for your
With TOP FLIGHTS you definitely won't arrive late at your destination! We'll look after your luggage, we have never lost anyone's luggage. You can even check in online, so you won't have to wait at the airport!
We are a small airline with small prices - but we can
guarantee that your flight will leave on time. We will give you back your money - yes, all your money - for a flight delay of more than thirty minutes!
Flights to Europe from an amazing £39! Check out our website for details:
Предмет: Математика, автор: tiskinamilania9
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: AnatoliyAdonyev
(1)Хотя идея по­стро­ить судно, ко­то­рое будет по­гру­жать­ся под воду и всплы­вать по же­ла­нию

эки­па­жа, до­ста­точ­но стара, пер­вые дей­ству­ю­щие под­вод­ные лодки по­яви­лись толь­ко в XIX веке.

(2)Тогда же, во время граж­дан­ской войны в США, со­сто­я­лась и пер­вая удач­ная атака под­вод­ной

лод­кой над­вод­но­го ко­раб­ля. (3)А в на­ча­ле XX века по­яви­лись тех­но­ло­гии, поз­во­лив­шие таким

лод­кам вы­хо­дить в от­кры­тое море, по­гру­жать­ся на не­сколь­ко часов под воду и из глу­би­ны

на­но­сить тор­пед­ные удары по ко­раб­лям, на­хо­дя­щим­ся на по­верх­но­сти. (4)Уже в на­ча­ле Пер­вой

ми­ро­вой войны новый вид мор­ско­го во­ору­же­ния за­ста­вил весь мир об­ра­тить на себя вни­ма­ние:

гер­ман­ская под­лод­ка в те­че­ние по­лу­ча­са пу­сти­ла ко дну сразу три ан­глий­ских крей­се­ра. (5)Это

ка­за­лось не­ве­ро­ят­ным: ма­лень­кий ко­раб­лик с не­мно­го­чис­лен­ным эки­па­жем по­то­пил три

огром­ных во­ен­ных судна, ко­то­рые об­слу­жи­ва­ли сотни людей!

Ука­жи­те ва­ри­ан­ты от­ве­тов, в ко­то­рых дано вер­ное утвер­жде­ние. За­пи­ши­те но­ме­ра от­ве­тов.

1) Пред­ло­же­ние 1 слож­но­под­чинённое с па­рал­лель­ным (не­од­но­род­ным) под­чи­не­ни­ем


2) Пред­ло­же­ние 2 ослож­не­но уточ­ня­ю­щим об­сто­я­тель­ством.

3) Пред­ло­же­ние 3 ослож­не­но обособ­лен­ны­ми опре­де­ле­ни­я­ми, вы­ра­жен­ны­ми

при­част­ны­ми обо­ро­та­ми.

4) Пред­ло­же­ние 4 слож­но­со­чинённое.

5) Одна из грам­ма­ти­че­ских основ пред­ло­же­ния 5 – ко­раб­лик по­то­пил.​