Предмет: Английский язык, автор: irokze

составьте по 2 предложения на каждую английскую букву алфавита

irokze: да
helperinenglish: что да?
irokze: Первое слово в предложении должно начинаться с этой буквы?
helperinenglish: ясно....очень интересное задание...первый раз такое вижу ...если по два предложения - это получается 52!?!?!
irokze: интересное и сложное. да 52. если сможете помогите пожалуйста
helperinenglish: неужели такое задают....если бы хотя бы по одному предложения...52-слишком много даже для меня)))))
irokze: задают. (((( ну хотя бы по 1 а там уж сами еще помучаемся
helperinenglish: ок. попробую.....
helperinenglish: уровень 1-4 класса? правильно? т.е. легкие предложения?
irokze: 3класс


Автор ответа: helperinenglish

A – Ann likes apples. A fox lives in the forest.

B – Ben and Ann are the best friends.  Bears like honey.

C – Cows give milk. Cabbage salad is my favorite dish.

D – Dogs hate cats. Ducks are walking in the street.

E – Elephants are big and kind. Eight is my favorite number.

F- Five mice live in the house. Four books are in the bag.

G- Girls are beautiful. Green crocodiles live in Africa.

 H- Horses are strong. Ham is useful.

 I – I can swim. I run in the morning.

 K- Kate likes reading. Keys are on the table.

 L- Lions are great. Lemons are yummy.

 M-Mother is the most important person in our life. Man can do everything he wants.

 N – Nurses work in a hospital. Nina lives in Moscow.

O – Oranges grow in the south. Owls are very wise birds.

P – Pink is my favorite color. Pigs can swim.

Q – Queens should rule the country.

R – Rats are miserable. Roses are beautiful flowers.

S – Sit down please. Send a letter please.

 T – Talk loudly please. Tell me the truth.

 V-Violin music is wonderful. Vinnie is very kind.

 X – Xylophone music is strange for me.

Y –Yogurt is useful for children.

Z  - Zoo is open every day. Zebra can run fast.

irokze: спасибо огромное!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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